
Mumbai workshop- April 5th and 6th

Two day Workshop By Naran S. Balakumar

Workshop Details:

Hotel Suba International
211, Chakala Sahar Road,
Andheri-East, Mumbai – 400 099

Dates & Time:
First Day: 5th April, 10 am to 4 pm
Second Day: 6th April, 10 am to 4 pm
(Lunch, Tea/Coffee and Snacks will be provided)

For Registration – Contact:
Ms. Varsha Patil – Mobile Number – 77388 54644 (Contact Timings – 10 am to 4 pm)
Dr.Nagalakshmi – Mobile Number – 8097506175 (Contact Timings – 4 pm to 8 pm)
Contact E-mail id –

Details of Workshop:

Day 1: Violet Flame Past Life DNA Re-programming:
Features of the DNA reprogramming
 It is based on Quantum science.
 A simple proven method to heal our past and present life.
 When you heal your parents’ life you are healed too.
 When you heal your life, your children also get healed.
 Will make any one understand that all of us are repeating our lives and our parents’ lives only.
Do you know?
 You can never create any future until you heal your past life(s)?
 One can heal and transform the accidents/deaths in the family also?
 That we repeat the life of our ancestors?
 That our children also will be following our footsteps eventually – whether we like it or not?
What will I learn from the workshop?
With the simple techniques you will learn:
 How to find the roots of these life situations and heal them – without any past life regression and external help.
 How to heal your present by healing the past.
 How to heal your children by healing your life.
 How to open the core cell to “Re-program the DNA”.

Day 2: Abundance – Ways and Means Workshop:
To know…
Why praying to Lakshmi does not bring in money?
How to meet your expenses, even when you don’t have the source?
How to release the part of one which is bonded in debt?
How to change beliefs, become generous and be prosperous?
How combination of switch words and flowers and gemstones can help one for money flow?
How forgiveness can solve money problems?
How to use Kanji symbols to get money?
How to shift to happiness even when one is worried? – NLP based technique to bring back the state of abundance.
