A girl of 21 years old approached me for pain in her left shoulder which has become immobile.

This girl loved a person from a different caste. She was forced to stay in the house as their affair was not approved by her father.

I asked her to tell her background and narrate on what happened before she had the pain.  She broke down and said she is in love with a person and that person is good.

I told her, “Forget about your parents. Let us get an answer from the body. Even if the pain goes by 10%, then the body is confirming it”.

She affirmed, ‘I am not worried about others as I believe that god is guiding me. God is guiding me to marry the person of my choice.’

As she said the affirmation few times, her pain went down quite a bit.

This means her body is favoring the marriage. It says don’t worry about caste. Don’t worry about the approval of your marriage.

God (through your body) is guiding you to marry him.  God is approving this marriage, why we need others’ approval. It is not necessary.

I asked her to honor the body by marrying her lover. She is happily married to that person now.

Left Shoulder Back Pain Indicates…

  • When you are not appreciated or not recognized.
  • When you are put to shame
  • When your actions are considered bad, regarded as incorrect, or not approved by others.

You will get pain initially. Then numbness will develop as more and more you go through those feelings.