
My boss was against my promotion

Naran S Balakumar

Rajan was working for the state government.

He got a promotion based on seniority and was offered an interesting project, which was not appreciated by his boss.

His boss tried his level best to spoil the show by not providing the information and the files needed for the project.

Rajan got frustrated and was worried about the lack of progress in executing the project as it could affect his promotion.

As per my instructions, first, he strengthened his cords with his parents. Then he healed the cords with his boss.

Within a couple of days his boss stopped doing his sabotaging acts. Of course, he continues to be unfriendly, which Rajan doesn’t mind. The project is in good shape now.

Moral of the story: when we are facing a problem with somebody, we need to heal the cords that we have formed with that person.
