
My married life is like living in a hostel

My married life is like a hostel life. We two are living like roommates only. He is taking food, and bathing at his mother’s home, coming only in the late evening after finishing all his routines. He is not willing to go out with me.

We two are working and have problems in money matters.

In-laws also wanted to keep him with them at all times. He is the third son. All others in family are well attached to their families blessed with all boons and children. But I am living like sanyasi and no children after seven years of marriage. Not all are co-operating even for small things also. Undergoing treatment and that too not successful till date.

Born in a poor temple’s priest family and after many struggles and hard work, completed my graduation and currently earning a small income monthly. But in-laws need my money fully and problem created there and we came separately. After that also they are begging for money from my husband.

He believes them and not trusting me. I am doing and thinking everything for our welfare only. But he does not understand me. Not going out with me, but willing to go with others.

I am working from my young age. So I don’t want to quit the job and be idle. But in a joint-family I have to give all money to them.

We are separate now but my life is like a sanyasi life.

All my relations are coming with their partners. But I am going alone to all functions. He is not at all willing to come out with me.

Gone through your site and all mantras are well, good and useful.

I am a devotee of Shridi Sai Baba and I trust the reply given by you is the remedy given by Guru Shridi Sai. Jai Sairam. Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.


Throughout our life, we hunt for love, needing caring and affection from others. When we don’t get it, we fail to understand that we are demanding more and more from a person who does not have what we want. Instead, we hang on to him.

Our demand annoys him and he distances himself away. The paradox is he married you with the intention that you would give him love. There is an unconscious decision is your life before birth that you will always give love to your husband without any expectation. Now instead of giving, you want to receive. That is why you are not getting.

Instead of trying to get, become a giver. That is why you are named Someshwari.

Give love even when there is no receiving.

Giving love without expecting to receive will make you magnanimous.

Thank every person and every event in your life daily.

Meditate on Sai Baba, reminding yourself of his anecdotes of Divine love and visualize his love filling up your heart. Then from your heart let his love flow through your hands to your husband and his family.

Do this daily. Thank them. Pray for them.


Chant this as many times as possible.

Faith and Endurance will carry us forward.

Write this in a paper and keep it under the pillow.
