
My mind and body is not in coordination


Dear Naran,

Yesterday I had this strange experience.

As I was sleeping in the morning, for some more time, feeling very tired, in spite of my daughter and husband, who had woken up already. My husband told me that it’s ok for me to sleep, for some more time.

After a few minutes, I wanted to wake up, but could not. I yelled my husband’s name and called him, but he did not turn up at all. Nethraa, my daughter, saw me yelling and came near me. In addition, my husband also came, and they tried to make me get up with great difficulty.

And suddenly, I opened my eyes, only to realize that all those five minutes were a dream. But, that dream was pathetic. I got really scared, if I would really be able to get up.

This is not the first time that has happened to me like that.

My mom, when I discussed with her said, that it happens like that when you are really tired. Our body does not get up even though our mind gets up. Naran, could you please explain more on why this happens?


Yes what your mom says is right. There was no co-ordination between mind and body. It is an inner cry for help. Release this.

In addition, take the Bach Flower Remedies ASPEN and CLEMATIS before sleeping.


Aspen: for nightmares

Clematis: when the mind and body is not in co-ordination
