End of the trouble of thy wandering thoughts

Close to the journeying of thy pilgrim soul.

Book eleven Canto one of Savitri.

The Supreme Divine (the Eternal) spoke to Savitri at the culmination of her soul’s journey.
In this canto, Savitri reaches her final ascent, meets the Supreme, and attains ultimate liberation.
She does not accept this final liberation for herself alone but chooses to return to Earth to uplift and transform human life.
These lines are not just about personal liberation but also about the choice to transcend suffering while still engaging in the divine work of transformation.

Life situations

  1. For Mental Peace & End of Turmoil
    When the mind is restless with doubt, confusion, or suffering, these words remind
    us that a higher divine force can end the turmoil of thoughts and wandering
    emotions by bringing absolute inner stillness.
    Use them when someone struggles with overthinking, anxiety, or seeking direction
    in life.
  2. For Completing Karmic Cycles & Ending Past Burdens
    When someone is trapped in karmic cycles, repeating the same mistakes or
    suffering, these words affirm that the soul’s journey is reaching completion.
    Use them to close karmic debts, end toxic patterns, or liberate oneself
    from past burdens.