
My right side neck is paining like hell.


You would have got the pain while working in the computer – due to improper sitting position. Anyway, it will go by itself. Meanwhile, chant the switch words, “BE ADJUST HO CRYSTAL”.

Press those places where you get the pain. It might be painful initially and at the same time comfortable. But, the pain will go sooner.


The pain went way as you said on the neck. However, I still feel the pain, around my head.


Release the memories of the pain, by doing tapping (EFT).


I tapped furiously for one hour. It went away eventually. Thanks.


Release Resistance to the pain: ADJUST, and BE unaffected (shift the consciousness)

Become happy: HO

Have clarity, not to think or get confused (trying to find the reasons for the pain), “Whether it can be this or that”

Even though the pain has gone, the memories of the pain suffered during this period will bring back the pain. You can release them by saying releasing statements or do EFT. Tapping is better as you may find it difficult to say the releasing statements when you are having the pain.