
No Pain No Anger

(Chris Alias Cgull)

(Originally this article was published in the link:

About a year ago, I suddenly developed toothache, before it came and went but I didn’t see the dentist then, I just postponed it. But this time it was plain unbearable. I tried using Anbesol, which is a pain reliever. It works effectively but not this time even though I applied more than prescribed :). Therefore, I called the local dentists, with a hand in my face of course, who asked me to come after a week. It was just frustrating.

I couldn’t hold this pain that long, had loads of work, if I take a break it will pile on me. So, I had to try something else, I asked my brother, whether he knew any Mudras for this tooth ache. He asked me to do Varun Mudra after consulting Naran S. Balakumar.

My brother also gave me some more advice from Naran. Not only I should do this Varun Mudra but also I should get rid of anger. When I was in school, they used to call me “Short Temper”, yes direct name at that :), because I used to get upset even for small and trivial things. But in hindsight, I feel it was bad as it just drives them away like a fire. Who would want to stand next to a raging fire that is anger?

Naran said if the right tooth portions ache then one is angry with a male, while the left tooth aches shows one is angry with a female. Most of the pain and illnesses are caused byemotions. Mind and body affect each other significantly. So, I stopped being angry totally and then I did this Varun Mudra.
Varun Mudra

Little finger represents water. And only water can put out the fire. Therefore, touch the tip of the thumb with tip of the little finger. Water will increase in the body and bring down the fire in the body – I mean fever.

This Mudra is basically used for reducing fever and colds, but it can also alleviate the pain. If you have fever you can also do this one. One of my friends did this few days ago, she said it worked.

Varun Mudra: Touch the tip of the little finger with the tip of the thumb. Do this in both hands.

It looked simple enough. So I did this for 10 to 15 minutes with normal breathing in and out. You won’t believe it. The pain was gone and it didn’t come back at all. Another friend tried this before and after she had a surgery, she said it worked. It can also control your anger.

Handle Fire with Varun Mudra


How Varun Mudra reduces pain? Fire is red, fire is fever, fire is inflammation and fire is pain because inflammation is expressed as pain (inflammation is red).

Fire is heat and inflammation is nothing but heat or pita. Water is cold and cooling. Fire also means anger. In a state of anger, one’s auric field becomes red and projects red.

75% of the body is water and when there is pain, the body is crying for water locally. When Varun Mudra is practised, water element is activated and the pain is reduced. In fact, it reduces anger also.

When one is in a state of anger, the opposite person also will react in anger or at least seethe within, in anger. Anger influences anger. Therefore, if one is in a state of anger, the opposite person should be in safe and secure Mudra.

This Mudra will cool down one (by activating the water element) and stabilise the person (earth element) as well.