Sometimes it can happen in the family that one can’t be in the position to support a person due to family circumstances.

A person aged 48 approached me for his lower back pain. The pain is more on the right side.

After finding that there is no financial insecurity, no loan to repay and no job insecurity, I asked him a simple question whether he is not giving the required support to any elders in the family?

It may be due to the circumstances. If you say “yes”, then keep in mind that the body wants you to give the needed care and protection to that person.

If you take steps for that, your body will relieve you from the pain.

To find the veracity of this, you can chant, “I willingly lend support to so and so”. If the pain starts reducing, then this is the mental cause, and you have to follow what you said.

The message of the body is “do not create instability in others”.

Then he came out with the story.

His father (widower) was taken care of by him and his three brothers, taking turns every three months.

One son went on a business tour for a month and wants his brothers to take care of his father during that time.

My patient was willing, but he could not take care of his father, because his spouse vehemently opposed it.

Therefore, he said no to it, due to his lack of assertiveness and out of fear to go against his wife’s words. From the next day onwards, he developed back pain.

You may ask why his wife did not get back pain. That is not the matter here. If you get the pain, there is a message for you. Find the message and rectify your life.