
Old One Dies New One Blooms


I liked this guy and suddenly things got really serious in us that we planned everything together.

But after going out for two years he just totally shut me off. Due to lot of arguments, he totally broke of all the contacts and relationship with me.

It’s been a year that we never contacted each other. He told me he doesn’t want to be with me. Even lot of apologies didn’t helped and everything ended in very bad way.

Till today I am so hurt, and still some part of me wanted him back. I tried to forget and move on with my life, but the thought of him, he is not being a part of my life is killing me.

I pray so he can make contact with me or in any way the broken communication opens so we can clear our negativity and start a stronger and better relationship than before.

Please Naran help me. I thank you from bottom of my heart because instead of focusing on my life he’s in my brain all the time. I don’t know how to let go of it, or how to fix this.


You have to let go this relationship and be peaceful.

Chant “WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT, CRAB APPLE, CHICORY” 100 times over a glass of water and drink this water. Do this two times daily.

In the night, keep you index finger at the base of the thumb and let the thumb touch the tips of little and ringer finger, on both the hands.

Be in this Mudra (both hands) chanting “TOGETHER OPEN TO DIVINE LOVE, BEAUTY, GRACE” and sleep.


After you suggested me I been doing that and came out of that miserable place where I have completely let go of my ex.

I’m very happy and grateful that I am able to let go of my ex-boyfriend and forgave him in every way.

After chanting the Switch words you have suggests I got in contact with a wonderful man who is very good to me and I really like him and he likes me too.

I want to settle down with him as he makes me laugh and cares for me. I just felt he is the one. I want our friendship turns into beautiful love relationship so that we can get married.

Please help me if you can. I know because of the Switch words you had suggested I met him and know I am ready to spend my life with him and I am very thankful to you for that.


