
Opening the chakras with mantras

Healing chakras through mantras

Let us first see the purpose and functioning of chakras as well as what happens if they don’t function properly.

In the next section, we shall see what mantras we need to chant to keep them in good order.

Functioning of Various Chakras

Basic chakra or Mooladhara – is at the base of the coccyx.

If I have a feeling, “I want to settle down in life”, then it means the Basic chakra is not working properly. Therefore the energy from basic chakra to you will be very less too. Chakras always produce energy. In this person’s case, it shows he hasn’t received it properly from chakras.

Another in front of us, one and half-inch below the naval is Hara Chakra or the Sex Chakra.

If there is a relationship, then it’s formed due to Hara chakra – which directs us towards friendship and creates the relationship for us. If you have a craving for lot of food then it means your sex chakra is working more – imbalanced.

Third chakra is above the belly – Manipura or Solar Plexus chakra. This is the chakra of self-identity. There is a big gap between Hara and Manipura chakras.

If energy in solar plexus is more than it means the feeling of “I” or ego is more. Anything might go from us, except for pride and ego – which comes from the Solar Plexus chakra. Thanks to this chakra we know the purpose of our lives and it shows our identity too.

The fourth is the Heart chakra. Between it and the Solar Plexus chakra, the gap is less. Heart and solar plexus chakras are close to each other. The former is our soul and the latter is our mind.

If there is no ego and pride, then heart will open up. The heart chakra is always reminding us not to have pride and ego.

“Don’t think I or me, but think about we and ours” – is the message of solar plexus chakra. One can change their ego and pride into a life of compassion through heart chakra, which makes us to be in love.

When we have love, our language will be made of love and compassion and expressed through our Throat Chakra.

In reality, we will talk about few things, while hiding so many things. If we think only good things then the throat will expand and then whatever we say will become a mantra.

Our lives are decided by these chakras.  When these chakras are healed, and function properly, then the sixth chakra – the third eye chakra will open automatically.

When the third eye chakra is open, one will come to know that he is already divine.

Opening Chakras through Mantras

Mantras outwardly look ordinary. However,they can do lots of things. It can lead us to live our lives better. They activate the energy centres/chakras as well.

Chant the mantras below to activate, normalize and balance the chakras:

Om Lam Namaha – Basic Chakra

Om Vam Namaha – Hara Chakra

Om Ram Namaha – Solar Plexus Chakra

Om Yam Namaha – Heart Chakra

Om Ham Namaha – Throat Chakra

When other chakras open, the third eye will automatically open up.