
Petal mantras – Changed my heart, restored my wisdom


My daughter’s first marriage ended in divorce. She fell in love with a guy who is in the same profession and working with her. When she informed us about her love 3 years back, I strongly opposed my daughter’s love. I could not accept it. I was stubborn and stopped her by all means. I attended petal mantras session. Started chanting petal mantras daily for the past 2 months. Suddenly, my anger, resistance started melting. I felt my daughter’s happiness is more important and if she feels happy to get married to that person, I should not stop her.

My daughter is leaving for her higher studies to London. Myself and my husband discussed and decided her to get married of her choice. Marriage preparations have started.

Petal mantras released my resistance, melted my heart and restored happiness in our lives.

Thanks Naran Sir. Thanks to divine petal mantras.
