
Prayer to Forgive


My elder sister bothers me a lot. She is a kind of person “my way or highway” and very difficult to deal with. For 4 years, she is sapping my energy.


Chant “WILLOW! Help me to forgive …. (name of your sister) and extend my love to her”.


The Bach Flower Remedy Willow helps us to release our resentment.

So, we are doing a prayer to Willow to help us to forgive and love somebody.

A Prayer to Willow, from the ‘Meditation on Bach Flowers’ CD:

Hey the golden-yellow Willow, I just prostrate to you. When I have any difficulty or suffering, if I think, “Why should it happen to me” come to my help Willow.

Instill faith in me. If I say, my prayers are unanswered Willow teach me to have more faith in God!

Willow when I sulk with resentment or bitterness, help me regain my sense of humor and faith in God!

To know more about Willow, please check out the link: