
Prescription of Bach Flower Remedies

Based on mental aspects…


AGRIMONY Put on a smiling face in spite of the mental or physical torture that the patient is undergoing
ASPEN Perspiration with fever, internal trembling with no cause, fear indoors but no fear outdoors
BEECH Intolerance; wanting exactness, order and discipline everywhere
CENTAURY Unable to say ‘No’ to anybody, people pleaser
CERATO Imitate ways, expression and mannerism of those with whom they come in contact, constantly changing from one treatment to another
CHERRY PLUM Temptation. unable to control, incontinence of urine
CHESTNUT BUD Escapism; physically present but mentally absent
CHICORY Making big fuss even for trivial matters or ailments, greedy, stingy, demanding, temper tantrums, always needs a company
CLEMATIS Coma, fainting, dreamy, absent minded, lack of interest in everyday life, mentally in future
CRAB APPLE Feels unclean about oneself, want to clear infections, self-conscious about appearance
ELM Suitable to Ministers, Teachers, Doctors
GENTIAN Depression, upset even for a slight setback
GORSE In any hopeless situations
HEATHER Fast talkers, never-ending conversation with others about oneself
HOLLY Full of hatred, jealousy and suspicions
HONEY SUCKLE Always talk about past events or of his younger days
HORNBEAM For starting problem, mental fatigue, good for singers
IMPATIENS For all TYPE  ‘A’ personalities
LARCH Admires others success without envy, but lack of confidence to do the same, even though they have the capacity
MIMULUS Stage fright
MUSTARD Sudden depression, while living well for no reason
OAK Living always in hope, in spite of repeated failures
OLIVE Physical exhaustion on slightest exertion
RED CHESTNUT Fearing that some calamity may happen to their dear ones
ROCK ROSE Terror and Panic situations
ROCK WATER Inflexible and adamant
SCLERANTHUS Swinging temperature, delayed memory, postponing tendencies
STAR OF BETHLEHEM After effect of mental or physical shock
SWEET  CHESTNUT As if, life has ended; for those who feel, they cannot endure anymore; for desperate situations
VERVAIN Mentally hyperactive, strain and tension
VINE People who believe in violence
WALNUT Change of life such as teething, puberty, menopause, change in religion, break the old ties and habits – either acquired or hereditary
WATER VIOLET Prefers solitude, persons with superiority complex
WHITE CHESTNUT Talking to oneself, same thought or scene is repeating in the mind
WILD OAT Dabbling in too many things; a feeling of being in the cross roads, unable to know the direction of life
WILD ROSE Surrenders to struggles of life without complaining
WILLOW Blames others or God for his failures, resent other’s success