
Program Your Life Part II

Read the first part of the article here:

Be with your feelings


Focus on the feeling, with Adi Mudra.

Say, “Yes, there is … (mention the feeling here, for example, a feeling of sadness)”

“I welcome this … (feeling)”. But, can I let go this feeling?

If you get the answer “yes”, then just say, “I let go of this … (feeling)”

Is the feeling is still there? Ask the mind, “Can I let go just 10% of the feeling?” If the answer is yes, then proceed further and let go another 10%.

Still you are unable to come out of stagnation.

Now, observe your thoughts.

Can I release this thought?

If the answer is yes then say, “I release … (thought)”

If the answer is “no”, then ask another question, “Is this thought useful to me?”

“No.” means you need to let go of the thoughts. Release all the thoughts one by one.

Find out which desire is behind the emotions.

Is it the desire to control or change the person or event, or the desire for approval or the desire to feel more secure? Ask the mind again.

If there is desire to control or change ask, “Can I release the desire to control?”

Yes means, “I accept my desire to control but I let go this desire to control”.

Is there any desire for approval? (Desiring for praise, recognition)

If yes means, “I just release this desire for approval.”

Is there any desire to feel more secure? or is there is any fear?

If yes means, “I release this desire to feel more secure; or i release my lack of trust ”

After some time, there will not be any feeling or thought. Peace dawns. Now take the required action. 

Read the final part of the article here:
