
“My wife is very possessive and highly interfering”.

Take one quality of your wife at a time.

Assume that quality is within you. In fact, you will be having those qualities inside you. That’s why you have attracted her to you.

Now, do the following, taking one quality a day:

  1. First day: “I release my interfering nature to Chicory.” Keeping this intention in mind, chant “CHICORY”.
  2. Second day: “I release my possessive nature to Chicory”.  Chant “CHICORY”.
  3. Third day: “I release my insecurities to Chicory”. Chant “CHICORY”.

While doing the above exercise, please do the following too:

  1. Be sure to thank the opposite person for revealing the inadequacies and shortcomings inside you.
  2. Reflect on your past, find out whether you have exhibited these qualities towards others, and then release them to Chicory.

This does not mean that there is no place for emotions in life. However, they should be used as different tool and then they had to be let go. There is place for anger too, but if it not forgotten or released then it becomes a rancor.