
I am from a religious Hindu Brahmin family. I got married before 8 years. The problem now I am facing is my husband is too religious and this is affecting my personal life.

He is much attached to his family members. Not to me. Not showing interest in married life, but showing more interest in all other things.

I am facing plenty of obstacles in all aspects of life. Even in treatment for progeny. I am much confused. I will not separate even a lid from the container. Because I have the thought, pairs should not be separated.

But all are waiting in line to separate my pair from me. Whom shall I blame – everybody, including his closest relations.

One more son is there for my in-laws but expecting my husband for all. Not disturbing elder for anything. Both financially and physically and spoiling my life only.




Thanks a lot for your immediate response. Gone through your site and read all your mantras, Bach flower remedies, switch words, animal spirit.  All are fantastic and excellent.

Chanted “VALLABAM GAJAANANAM EKA THANTHAM” in crisis and experienced the results. All are working well.

The main change in me before chanting is if anything gets postponed, I will get angry and expose it.

But now anything gets postponed, I am not getting angry and mind is getting convinced itself as everything is in divine order and it is for good only. I am able to experience it.

Thanks a lot once again for all the services rendered to human kind and helping people suffering like me. I will start chanting “BASKARAM PRABODHAM”.

Can you explain the meaning of the above because I am having the anxiety to know?


THANK YOU. I am happy that you are using most of the techniques.

We can remain happy without having anything. When we remain happy, we attract what is good and anything bad is repelled. Our happiness should not depend on anything outside.

Baskaram Prabodham will keep you in a happy state whatever the situation is outside.

Best of Baskaran’s (the sun-god) grace!