
Right or wrong figure it out with fingers


Fraudulent Practices in the Office

Raj was an assistant accountant in a company.

His boss was cheating the company by getting commission from the vendors.  

Raju was party to it. He was getting some cut from those deals. Though, his conscience pricked, he did not mind taking the money.

Eventually, he developed pain in the right fingers.

I asked him that he is doing something wrong in the office. I told him to resign the job, as the body is warning him that he might land up in trouble soon.

He resigned from the company immediately.

Spend Thrift

Venu did not save until the age of fifty. Whatever he earns he will spent it without twice thinking about his future plans.

He got pain Right hand fingers and after few months it became numb.

The body is informing him, ‘don’t spend everything and start saving for the future!’
