Shankaraya Mayaskaraya Mantra CD – A boon for autistic children, aged people, rebellious teenagers. (To purchase, this audio mp3, send email to )
For Autistic Children
Play the Shankaraya Mayaskaraya audio for 1 hour daily in the home.
Give the mantra charged water to the child daily for 1 year.
Delayed Speech in children
Play the Shankaraya Mayaskaraya audio for 1 hour daily in the home.
Give the mantra charged water to the child daily for 1 year.
This mantra activates all sensory organs and help the child to speak.
For Aged people
As one grows older, the connection between the brain and the sensory organs becomes weak.
Vision, hearing abilities go down and also one likes to eat less.
It’s important that one sees and hears correctly.
In Alzheimer’s and Dementia, the brain cells begin to gradually die and the connection between the brain and sensory organs goes down.
This mantra helps in these conditions, helps to sharpen the sensory organs and age gracefully.
This mantra helps to age with wisdom.
What is wisdom ?
Not to show anger impatience, intolerance. This mantra helps to age mentally emotionally with wisdom and to understand life better with wisdom and experience life better.
Dosage: For those suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia give the charged water daily three times.
Every time it’s played, it can be treated as one dose.
That means playing three Times a day.
For Autistic children
Three doses
For disobeying teenagers three doses.
Otherwise generally one dose.
Parents of autistic children and disobeying children should also take(share)
How to prepare mantra charged water?
Place a glass or bottle of water in front of the speakers and play the cd for 1 hour. This mantra charged water can be sipped throughout the day.

To purchase this audio @rs.350/-, mail to