
Sharing miracle happened in my life


Dear Naran,

I want to share all the miracles that have happened in my life.

I was living in a rent house for around 56 months with plenty of problems.

I wrote to you and you suggested me to chant “CERATO, MIMULUS, FIND DIVINE new house NOW DONE”.

After that also, I was not able to vacate. However, I was chanting continuously with a faith. It started working last year.

We decided to purchase a brand new apartment.

I got housing loan sanctioned and everything went smoothly. Now, I am in my own house happily that too opposite to my old house i.e. in the same street.

Thanks a lot to you.

Naran S Balakumar

For Searching, CERATO (Bach Flower)

Within your budget: MIMULUS (Bach Flower)

To FIND the new house NOW and buy it (DONE deal), I had suggested her relevant switch words.