Healing by Naran

Compiled by R Mohan

Why we couldn’t sleep well.

The reason is that all our energy is focused on the head, especially about work, money and relationships.

We keep thinking about something that has happened yesterday and today, and something that might happen tomorrow. Thus, more energy is focused on the head.

Chin Mudra

You touch the tip of the thumb with index finger. Unlike Chinmaya Mudra you keep the other three fingers straight.

When you do Chin Mudra, extra energy in head is diverted to the root chakra (which is situated below your sexual organ) and then to the legs. You get grounded and therefore you sleep well.

Usually I do Savasana (Corpse Pose) before going to sleep, so as to unwind myself.

Yesterday, instead of keeping the palms on the side and keeping them open, as we do while performing Savasana, I did Chin Mudra.

The amount of energy I felt had been tremendous, never felt before. Of course I slept well.

Vitality Mudra

Here you touch your thumb with little and ring fingers.

This gives you physical strength – especially after you are tired from any activities that are physical in nature (newly married and aged people will find this Mudra very helpful).

Additionally, this Mudra puts you on a better financial situation then you are currently in.

Sleep Well

You may ask how you can sleep well with Vitality Mudra.

When your financial worries are taken away, energy flows to your Hara chakra (located just below the navel) and Root chakra, and thus automatically energy in the head is reduced.