
Sleeplessness due to mental agitation


I have a terribly disturbed mind in the night in sleep.

Due to mental agitation, I get all imaginary negative fears and that too strong ones keep coming time and again

Scared of the telephone ringing in the middle of the night thinking the calls are about some bad news – say news of death in the family. I also get irrelevant dreams too.

Can you please help me with a switch word which I can keep on chanting and remove all the fears from my subconscious mind which I am sure is full of them?


Chant the mantra “OM JOOM SAHA SAHA JOOM OM” as many times as possible, especially in the night.

Take the flower remedies ASPEN and RESCUE REMEDY, daily four doses in the day time and two doses in the night before sleep.


The energy of the mantra will always keep you in positive vibrations.
