The Bach Flower Remedy Oak

Workaholic: if there is no work he will get fever. He will comment that during the whole day he doesn’t have pain, but when he goes to sleep he gets pain.

He doesn’t want company. His first wife is work. He doesn’t want to apply for leave. He will not apply for leave for attending functions.

How Oak could help in heart problem. Oak is the strongest tree. It can grow in any soil. It represents strength and solidity and therefore it will strengthen the heart.

Thanks to Elm, Oak and Olive you can go up any stairs.

A software engineer couldn’t find bugs after so many attempts: Oak

Trekking – Elm, Oak, Olive, and Walnut is necessary.

For any nagging problems like court cases and adjournments take Oak with Walnut and Hornbeam.

Shantha had a problem with her motor that is used to pump water…

Oak is a hard worker but not a smart worker.

The motor mechanic couldn’t find the source of the problem even after a week. She gave Oak in his tea.

Within a day, the problem was fixed.