Benefits Reported Using the CD

I get extraordinary energy after a long and hard day at work – Rajesh

My mind gets peaceful if I feel stressed out. It is thus a good de-stressor tool for me. When I feel lethargic in the morning, it gives me the required to energy for me to get up and do my day’s work without any problem – Tom.

Before any class, this CD simply rejuvenates and prepares the students to get ready for the class, especially for a Reiki class – Shobana

My sinus gets increased if I am emotionally upset. Thanks to the CD I could handle my cold without any medication. I guess it clears up any congestion in my Chakras – Harish

Colours Effect on Chakras

Colour can offset negative stuff/situations.

For example during Ragu Kalam (time) – the time when Ragu has a bad effect on us, if you wear a green dress then it can’t affect you.

Any problem in life indicates that one or more of our seven Chakras are imbalanced.

Each of these Chakras emits certain colour and when there is a problem, the colour that is emitted from the Chakra will be less. This shows that the Chakra has less energy.

Let us see an example. A person weak who is weak willed and less assertive will have less energy in his Solar Plexus Chakra.

If he prays to Sun God, to get the required colour Yellow and inhale it – visualizing the colour from Sun, then he can develop a strong will power.

How do I know which Chakra is affected?

My life is in doldrums and how do I know which Chakra is imbalanced?

You don’t have to know. Listen to the Solar Energy Meditation CD. It heals all the Chakras with least effort from your side.

How do Colour Meditation Heals the Chakras?

The relevant colour for each Chakra is generated by doing the solar energy meditation.

The Chakras then gets stimulated, activated, expanded (then they can receive more energy) and balanced.

The CD is programmed to generate alpha waves to the listener. So you will go into a deep meditation automatically.

Though, you need to concentrate on the words uttered in the guided meditation.

The affirmations in the CD prepare the Chakras to get ready to receive the healing energies from Sun God. You will get the colour you require for the need of the hour.

The Chakras are stimulated. Therefore, they are activated and will start performing to the optimum. Relevant colour prana is increased for each Chakra. The Chakras gets totally and fully energized. You will feel refreshed in the end.

How should I listen to the CD?

You don’t have to do anything. Sit and just listen to the CD. Your subconscious mind will follow the instructions provided in the CD.

When do I need the Colour Meditation CD?

If you are not a morning person

You get tired in the evenings

You stress out easily

You are emotional and have stress related diseases like cold, fatigue syndrome and heart disease.

You want to balance your Chakras.

You feel tired after so many night outs or night shifts and sleep during the day, but you feel lethargic.