
Star With Stars Part I

Star Ashwini

This star can be invoked and called whenever you are weak and in a healing room, where you were giving Reiki or Pranic healing.

Ashwini comprises of three stars and they put together looks like no 6.

Visualize the room as triangle and fill it up with rays from Ashwini as the rays comes as in the form of triangle.


For handwork and discipline

Helps transitions like walnut; people moving to next stage of life – for example, somebody is getting married.

It’s an important star and it’s three in number.


It has the capacity to burn negative energy; transmute all the unwanted energy.

To cut the negative thoughts between two persons and bringing divinity between them

When darkness is removed divinity is exposed.

To bring out the divinity in us

It has 6 stars.


Represents fertility, therefore creativity

It contains five rays.


It contains three rays.

Why it’s an important Star

There is a story behind this star. Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati marriage took place in this star. Parvati was born in this star (Pa – prana).