
Strengthen the bones

Old people can take Calc fluor-6x everyday. Then they won’t fall down due to lack of balance. For people above 60 years, this will make their bones stronger and thus hip bones fracture can be prevented.

After age of fifty, take 1 or 2 tablets of Calc fluor-6x per day. It’s a bio salt.

Calc fluor-6x is as good as the Chinese herb Ginseng. It strengthens the knee bones. This salt is part of plaster of paris, used to align bones in fractures.

It also forms a layer in the stomach, which produces hydrochloric acid (FYI one drop of hydrochloric acid can burn 10 persons). Thus it protects the digestive layer too.

It also works on the basic chakra – which makes one feel safe and secure. Therefore, old people will not worry whether they will fall down. It increases their calmness by removing the fear inside them.

Other Bio-salts

If one lacks Kali Sulphur, he will have postponement tendency and mental fatigue. They can take Hornbeam too (Bach Flower Remedy).

When a person is unable to settle down in one place calcium (Calci Phos) is less. Along with that, add Walnut and Wild Oat for somebody who is not happy about any place or any house where they live, and keep changing jobs/houses all the time.

If a person is possessive and jealous, and therefore throws temper tantrums: Chicory and Holly along with Mag Phos (magnesium phosphate is less in the body).