Posts tagged busy
Magic can happen!!!
Varsha P
I came across SWITCH WORD concept in August 2013. I was very much amused and fascinated by this.
And specially after reading knowledgeable and useful blogs of Naran, I believed though there are miseries, unwanted situations, fear in our life, we can definitely CHANGE them with such wonderful gifts of nature – BACH FLOWERS and ANIMAL SPIRITS.
There are many day-to–day life situations and events, where I and my family members are using and applying Switch words, mantra and Bach flower remedy.
In my case, success was not 100%, but still I very much believe in this knowledge.
Magical Experience
In February’2014, I was travelling to Bangalore with my friend. Our flight was in morning and got delayed for 3 times.
We were having breakfast at Coffee shop (CCD) that is at another extreme end, very far from our terminal gate. As flight got delayed again, we were relaxed.
I was feeling very drowsy as I had got up very early to reach the airport. And other friend was busy on her phone. Somehow, we totally forgot to check time.
And when we checked our watch, we just ran!! We saw, our boarding gate was closed.
We requested them, to open it but they were not authorized to do so. We could see our flight in front of us, but couldn’t get in.
In that panic moment, I called up WOLF and FOX (I recalled this suddenly, while dealing with officials and airport staff call Fox). Then next thing was rescheduling of our flight and taking our luggage back.
All the time I was talking to WOLF. We knew that there will be a great price hike for current Ticket and we were upset about that.
I was in complete hopeless stage, as for this trip my Husband was in a denial mood. Since morning he kept talking, “You are going to miss your flight.”
My friends said that she can bear hike up to Rs. 5000 or so. I didn’t think about any amount. Somehow there was faith that some magic is going to happen.
Even I asked my friend, not to produce any intentions/ vibrations regarding money.
While waiting to claim baggage and cancellation of tickets, I called up Shobana Madam.
She told me to chant, and write these flower names on paper, and to keep it in hand while dealing with authorities, “WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER, GENTIAN, WILD ROSE”
Immediately, I prepared 2 chits of paper for both of us. I told my friend, not to talk any money part at all. But she keeps on saying that she can bear 5000 Rs. and I kept chanting.
1st magic moment – we got our luggage very soon. Girl at counter exclaimed with wonder that how we got our luggage so early n fast!
2nd magical moment – at ticket counter, we went to reissue next ticket for afternoon flight. We gave our old tickets, to subtract that much amount from current fare.
And to my wonder, I couldn’t believe this, when they said, “You need not to pay anything!” I got ZERO hikes for next flight, and my friend paid 5600 Rs hike. There was a sigh of relief!!
I thanked everything – Bach flowers, Animal guide, Shobanaji, airport staff, Cell phone – thru which I made calls, and many more things and thanked that SITUATION, which taught me many lessons.
Last but not least, after arrival at Bangalore, we got few co-passengers till our destination, which again saved our excess expenditure on Taxi.
I don’t know what MAGIC was behind this. But YES, Magic does happen! Only you need to trust it, deep within your heart.
Getting doctor’s appointment is easy
Govind went to a child specialist. The receptionist in the clinic said the doctor is busy for the day and so he can’t be given any appointment on that day – a Saturday. So, he has to come back on Monday.
It will be impossible for Govind to come on Monday as it is a working day for him.
By luck, he had the BLACK TOURMALINE stone in his pocket. Sitting in his car, he took the stone in his hand and expressed his concerns mentally to the receptionist.
After some time, he went inside the clinic and spoke to the receptionist once again.
This time, she agreed to give the appointment, by saying that she will call him as soon as the doctor gets free. And she did.
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Messages from God
God gives us messages through nature. Every day god is with us and sends messages continuously. When you get the messages, don’t consider the whole line, but consider the words.
Condition the mind by thinking about god, read stories, and meditate. They will make you realize that god is everything.
Listen dispassionately without judgment for example in a busy place like a railway station. Watch what is happening around you and listen.
Maintain a journal and then after a week all the messages will make sense to you.
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Power your life with switch words
I wanted to narrate an interesting episode regarding switch words. There was renovation going on at home and I was using switch words and Mantras with great results.
I was talking about this to a friend who immediately mentioned that he has a problem. He said that he had an agreement with a builder to build some apartments in his land. The construction was completed and he moved in to one of the apartments.
However, there was an additional room, which was to be used as a boutique by his wife. This room was also completed, but for 7 months they were unable to utilise the room as the electricity department had not given the required clearance. The officials were citing the deviation in the original plan as the reason.
They had been really running from pillar to post but they were unable to get the connection even after paying additional money as bribes. Going by how Naran S Balakumar uses switch words I asked him to chant, “FIND DIVINE ELECTRICITY NOW ON”, assuming his wife may not really want to chant.
After this conversation, I was very busy with some work and I completely forgot about this whole episode. An hour later, I saw four missed calls from my friend whom I had spoken to earlier.
I called him and he sounded very excited and said that after I had given the switch words to chant, he had called his wife and asked her to chant the same. Within 20 minutes of chanting there was a call on the landline. It was from the electricity dept!!!!
The officials said that everything was cleared and that they would give the connection the following day. The next day the connection was given.
My friend is still unable to stop talking about it!!!!!!
Find: to find the solution
Divine: by luck or chance
Electricity: is not a switch word, but the objective
Now: when it has to be done? It has to be done now.
On: Not to get stuck up in the unwanted situation and move on.