Posts tagged chanting
Release your resistance to lose weight
Overweight girl
I am desperate to lose 10 kgs in a month – have tried a lot, but no joy. I eat sensibly but still do not lose weight.
I am chanting “ROCK WATER, OAK, CRAB APPLE” at the minute.
Chant “ROCK WATER, OAK, CRAB APPLE, RELEASE RESISTANCE, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” over a glass of water 100 times and drink that water.
Do it three times a day.
Overweight girl
I have been chanting for reducing my weight. Unfortunately, I have not lost any weight at all.
I also bought CRAB APPLE Bach flower essence, mixed a couple of drops with 500 ml water and drinking it and still no joy.
I am desperate to lose weight. What can I do?
Continue what is given. Do it for one year.
How can you reduce within 15 days?
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No More Chest Pain
Jayalakshmi Ragavan
The mantra “HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA” is so powerful and I experienced it personally on my husband.
Last week, he developed a chest pain and consulted the doctor. A TMT test was taken and it showed positive Ischemia.
This morning an Angiogram was done and everything seems to be in order. It’s all the miracle of the mantra.
At the time of Angiogram, my husband had a vision of Anjaneya Samy (Lord Hanuman) giving him blessings. We were relieved.
One Universal Mantra:
The mantra “SRI RAM JEYA RAM JEYA JEYA RAM” is also very powerful.
I keep chanting all the mantras and it all helps me. With pure bakthi and devotion it is indeed true that we can attain the blessings of the Almighty.
Thanks to Mr. Balakumar for the mantras and the details you had given.
Thank you.
Go on chanting the mantra “Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Rama”. There is more to it though.
How did I find the power of Sree Ram Jeya Ram Jeya Jeya Ram:
Proper Functioning of Liver and Kidney
Solar Miracles:
Can I do this exercise for the proper functioning of the LIVER/KIDNEY?
If yes, what could be the prayer?
My friend’s mother was found malfunctioning of the liver/kidney due to alcohol addiction by a homeopathic doctor.
She was complaining of stomach pain suddenly for almost a week and does not want to go to a doctor. She behaves abrupt and rude enough, abusing the children for no cause.
The doctor asked for about 20k for the homeopathy medicines. My friend is not in that good position to spend so much and no one to help her also.
Request your valuable advice for the same.
Yes you can do.
Say, “Sun god, please send the solar LIFE ENERGY RAYS to the liver and kidneys of ………(name of your friend’s mother”
Visualize the rays filling up, and thank the kidneys and liver for receiving the life energy rays and functioning well.
Chant “Kidneys Liver CHANGE DIVINE ORDER TOGETHER BE ALONE” 100 times over a glass of water and give that water to the patient.
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The child feels good
My sister’s son has a good handwriting but he is not fast in writing though.
He writes very slowly whereby he is not finishing his homework on time. In exams also he is very slow in writing.
Chant “ELM, OAK”
The combination “ELM, OAK” is working fine and nowadays he is fast in doing all.
He himself chants it many times. The beauty is that he is using that for all his work – not just for doing homework only. He feels good about that.
Continue chanting.
Somehow I find money all the time
I am writing the following Switch Words every day “TOGETHER GIVE COUNT NOW DIVINE” 100 times as well as chanting the Lalitham mantra ( 21 times ) for the last 4 months.
Things have bettered. Now, somehow I have money all the time to manage and so I am not feeling empty.
I wanted to be free from Debts, loans and be financially independent. However, slowly I see some of the debts are getting cleared.
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