Posts tagged demand
Within the Budget
MIMULUS is a good remedy to handle your expenses within a budget.
Any auto driver will only demand exact fare, thanks to Mimulus, as getting an auto driver to agree for a right fare is a nightmare these days, especially during the nights!
You are performing a function. You will complete the function within the specified budget, if you take MIMULUS.
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Lead your life with joy and enthusiasm
Every day when you wake up in the morning, do you wake up enthusiastically? We don’t.
That is what is required from us. It is the demand from our Liver.
‘Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy’ is message of the liver. It also says, ‘Welcome every day as a new day’.
Let go of your failure attitude
Many of us say, “However much I tried I am not able to succeed in my life! There are so many blocks around”.
‘Be positive and be optimistic’ is another message from the Liver. It says, ‘There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part’.
‘Never say die’ attitude of Liver
Liver contains millions of cells. Out of these cells, even if 90% of the cells die, the liver functions normally. That is the best example of optimism – a ‘Never say die’ attitude.
If you think that you have failed then you are spoiling the liver and de-energizing it.
Sometimes, we also say that while others are progressing, we are not doing well. We say that with resentment and anger. ‘All are doing fine but I am not’ – when you say these words you are killing the liver.
Welcome every day as a new day
Liver represents wood (based on Chinese classification) or air element. Plants look fresh and new every day. They always welcome the day as if it is a new day for the entire life.
Whenever you want new life, you can thank your Liver and give a smile to it. You can also do a ‘Shhhhh’ sound, during your exhale.
Release your anger
All our anger settles at the Liver. When we condemn ourselves or when we have anger and resentment, the toxins gets accumulated at the Liver.
To remove these toxins you have to do the sound healing with sound ‘Shhhhh…..’ during exhaling. Inhaling through and then while exhaling say the mantra.
Completing the job on hand is the key
‘Do not postpone’ is also the message of the Liver. Once you start the work, you should not stop in the middle. You have to contribute one hundred percent to it.
When you reach the peak level you have all the enthusiasm in life. You will have the joy to do the work and you will be contributing hundred percent to the work.
When you are doing the work with full enthusiasm you will reach the peak. Then you are only in the giving mode and not in the ‘giving and receiving’ cycle.
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Divine Will from Her Father
Conflict among the siblings over their parent’s property
There was a conflict among some siblings over their parental property. One of the sisters is very poor and she developed a knee problem.
Here, the message from her body is that she should not be possessive and had to give up.
Interestingly, while the sister who was very badly in need of money had the knee problem, none of her siblings have got any knee problems.
As per the will, she is getting lesser share than others. Others were getting some cash too, while she was not getting any.
She totally believed me and whatever I tell her, she was ready to follow.
I told her to accept whatever was given to her. I asked her to chant, ‘I am ready to submit myself to the Divine Will’. When she started to chant, the pain went off.
Now came the interesting climax
The area allotted for all of them was to be either in ground floor or third floor. They decided to go for the draw and in that she was allotted the third floor area.
Again, she approached me. She wept over her situation and I gave her the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy (to calm her down).
In the flat opposite to hers, which was for sale, was bought by a family. There was a boy in that family who was in marriageable age.
The whole family liked this lady as well as her daughter very much. The family wanted the daughter to get married to their son.
In addition, there was no demand (dowry) from the boy’s side. They also took care of the marriage expenses. Thus, there were no expenses whatsoever for the girl’s side.
The couple now very happily settled.
Body puts us in the path created for us by divinity
So we do not know what is there in store for us by the Divine. By god’s grace she accepted whatever I told her and accepted the property given to her.
The body is nothing but the Divine. We have to accept the message it is giving and act accordingly. At each and every step it guides us.
However, we fail to understand the message. We do not how to infer the messages from the body and we never take care of the body either.
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Earn Without Employment
After attending Naran Abundance workshop I did the “ABUNDANCE PROGRAMME”.
I started it almost after 15- 20 days attending the workshop.
Here I am listing all things regarding money or somehow related to it.
In the past I was penniless
Before that I like to tell you few words about my situation.
Right now I am not working. I left my job after marriage, due to some family issues.
It was almost 3 years back. And that was hard time for me.
Even though we have enough money in house, I couldn’t spend.
Even for small amount of money or small expenses too, I felt like beggar, jilted and distress as Hubby not used to give me money in hand due to our loans and not even for day-to-day expenses.
Today my situation has changed
In all these days, there was not any single moment of denial or refuse from husband, while giving me money.
And that was the biggest surprising part for me.
In this period I paid all my debts. (It was not very heavy, every time when my husband denied giving me money).
It was with my sister and friend. Now only remaining part is my mother – who helped me in form of money, when we bought a house.
She didn’t ask me to return anything. But still I feel I should give all her money back and other is workshop fees that I attended in Mumbai.
4th day – I got a call from old colleague. He is going to start his own company and he wants me to join there, but this is after few months in this year.
6th day – I wanted to return some money to my friend, which he gave me in my need,(3 months back) when I was afraid to ask/ demand money from my hubby.
Somehow, I wanted to return it at earliest. But, there was no money source for me. And after writing 5th statement I was crying. Hubby asked me the reason.
And for the first time I had the courage to tell truth to him that I borrowed money from someone and that I was feeling guilty on how I will repay to them.
The person who used to get so furious on such things was completely calm and gave me money to return, without saying a word.
10th day – without applying anywhere, got a call from some job site, that too on my 3-year-old resume.
11th day – surprise shopping for me from hubby.
13th day – been to interview. Same day got another job call.
15th day – 2nd interview.
16th day – got selected in 1st interview, but I was not keen to join. Again hubby gave me some money, without asking.
17th day – got a credit note of almost 25,000 Rupees from Mobile Company.
5 months back my hubby gifted me a smart phone, which suddenly stopped working. Service center people said that it got damaged and un-repairable.
And that same service center gave us a credit note same as the original purchase amount of phone. It will get cleared within a month. Nobody could believe that I am getting money instead of replacement!
27th day – Hubby gave me some money for doctor visit, which was 3 times extra of normal fees. He didn’t even ask me about remaining money, or bills, which he used to ask after every visit.
29th day – 2nd interview, cleared 2nd round. Got selection call in evening.
Again I couldn’t join here, because of family issues. Was little upset, but knew something good might come in future. 30th day- again some surprise money from hubby.
Will keep updating more!!
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