Posts tagged Gem Stone
Double the Salary
Naran S Balakumar
Babu was working as a watchman in a beauty parlor. He was also doing some work during the daytime.
He had to sleep in the night as one could expect him to be so. However, his office manager thought otherwise. So, he fired him.
He was finding it difficult to meet his expenses.
He was asked to keep a few citrine stones in his purse.
Within three days, he found another job as watchman. He was simply asked to stay in the house during nights. And he got the same salary as the earlier job.
Twice the salary but with no sleep lost!!!
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Black Tourmaline truly is amazing!
I have just got one for myself and anytime I have aches and pains in the body and I place it on the corresponding Chakra and pain is gone within few minutes!!!
Overall too, I feel more energized with positivity, don’t feel dull especially due to the seasonal change.
Another important thing is I have come to notice is that I feel safer and secure with my Black Tourmaline on me, like when I am driving or working late hours etc., because of its ‘Feel Good’ factor.
Now, I don’t like stepping out anywhere without my Black Tourmaline ‘Angel’. Even if I do forget it, I can immediately sense that something is amiss and I am forgetting something
Thank you Naran for the infinite Divine help!