Posts tagged happily
Easy Way to Reach Divine
During last week, I had been diagnosed with ectopic/tubal pregnancy.
Foetus was healthy and well growing, but growing at wrong place. So, as per doctor’s advice, I had to terminate that pregnancy.
I remained sad for one two days and not only me but whole family was sad.
I know everything is happening for the best and according to all merciful supreme lords’ will. I myself have seen so many worst looking events turning into beneficial ones afterwards.
But, during the moments of emotional trauma all this theoretical and practical knowledge disappears from mind.
Is there any method or technique other than meditation to train our minds to happily and calmly accept all such events, which are beyond our control and purely according to divine will?
And how should we perceive such incidents to feel less or no grief?
Feeling less grief is not to be imposed.
Go through the emotions, which naturally surface and bow to them and come out.
When there is great distress over grief or when there is reason for grieving, weep, weep.
Weeping is easy way of reaching the divine.
Let us not feel shy for weeping. Yes, there was expectation in vain. Feel sad and weep to get over that. Weeping intensely will ultimately relieve you from the burden.
A solace is given by weeping. When you think that you can no more weep, just say, “I bow to this weeping and go beyond this state.”
Repeat within after the weeping episode, the Radha’s prayer:
“Krishna, my lord, whether thou chooses for me life or death, happiness or sorrow , pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from thee, is always welcome”.
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I have visited 2-3 astrologers. I am very scared about their predictions as all of them told me that there are 100% chances of separation/divorce in my marriage within next few days/months.
My situation is actually worst. I am chanting TOGETHER DIVINE but not seeing any changes in my situation.
Now, after visiting astrologers I am very depressed as I just wanted to live my life happily without any such drastic changes.
Though my husband is not at all talking to me, not taking care and not at all showing any interest in me from day one of our marriage.
I still love him very much and wanted to live with him only.
Continue this.
There is one symbol number 47 to unite the broken relationship:
Write your husband’s name and your name in the empty circle, and chant the switch words, “TOGETHER DIVINE”.
Stop Divorce Proceedings
Yesterday, I was forced to put sign in draft. It should be submitted to the judge within 1pm. I called wolf deeply to help me somehow not to submit that draft to the judge for divorce procedure.
Finally, it was not submitted. Wolf really helped me at that moment. But, my husband asked me to come another day for submission.
My thought is to stop divorce and I want to regain his love and to live with him happily.
I feel very sad to say that divorce draft paper was submitted in court. Even, I chanted “END SHUT LIMIT WITH DIVINE LINK” and called wolf for help like mad.
I want my husband back with full of love and affection. He is my world and everything. I love him a lot. Divorce process should get stopped with divine help.
END SHUT LIMIT LINK WITH DIVINE to subjugate the active ego and help one to accept willingly what happens as divine order.
CALM BEAR DIVINE SIGHT: If one remains calm, forbearing what happens; divine help (sight) is there.
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