Posts tagged shifted
Life Goes ON Smoothly
I was introduced to your remedies by one of my aunts. I have been reading your blog and following very closely. I just want to share my experiences with you after reading your blogs.
Travel Smooth
I have been using ‘ON’ Switch Word a lot. Like for e.g., I used ‘Happy, smooth and uninterrupted journey ON’ and I chanted it a number of times on an international travel.
I travel very frequently on work and last few journeys have caused a lot of worry and discomfort, but this time the journey was really smooth.
Chanting these switch words actually shifted my mind to not think negative. I was calm and accepted as is.
There was pilot strike going on this time, and I got routed through a different route. Yet, I reached home in time without any trouble.
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Secret of recovering from post-operative pains
Yesterday, my Gynecologist performed a small abortion on me, to remove the left over foetus material which had remained tough.
I hardly had any pain as I was chanting “OM PRAAM PREEM PROWM SAHA SHANESHCHARAYA NAMAHA” all through the procedure.
After that, I chanted “WALNUT, RESCUE REMEDY”.
As soon as they shifted me to the ward, I was able to get up myself and use the toilet all by myself. My doctors and sisters present looked at me with dropped jaws. It made me smile
But, I can’t tell those scientific believers such things about divine. So, I kept it to myself, the secret of my recovery.
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Reach destination on time
6 months before my family has shifted to new place near Bhubaneswar. Every day, my husband faces the problem of getting auto rickshaw due to poor road conditions.
The auto driver charge more than usual fare taking advantage of this condition and my husband have fight with them regarding auto fare.
Due to all these happenings, he reaches office lately.
Please suggest any remedy for my husband so that he will not face problem of getting auto and reach his destination on time.
Call WOLF for getting the auto.
While sitting in the auto ask him to chant MIMULUS.
The Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus chanting will help one get the right fare
Call the Animal Spirit Guide before getting out of the house and request the Wolf to help your husband get to the office on time….the WOLF will do miracles.
Hi Priya,
You are right. I too found the wolf very helpful while travelling many a times to new places. Thanks
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