Posts tagged Student
Clients are My Eye Openers
Question: Every time after you finish your consultation with us, you say ‘Thank you’. Having received help from you don’t you think we need to say thanks to you instead?
Let me tell you a case history.
The other day, my eyes were reddish. I was chanting ‘LALITHAM LAMBODARAM’ and yet found no relief.
It was around 6.30 AM and I received a call then. Because it was very early in the morning I thought the matter had to be urgent. So, I picked the call with a sense of apprehension.
It was from my student Sangeetha. She wanted to report me on some healing that happened to her. For last few months, she was finding it difficult to read newspapers.
So, she took a bowel of water, and keeping her eyes opened she cleansed them, while chanting the switch words “CLEAR POINT”. The cleansing method is taught in yoga classes.
She was doing it for last one month. Now, she was able to read better. Saying this she hanged up the phone without adding anything.
I just did the same and my eyes got better. Don’t you agree now my students and clients are my eye openers?
Thank you for asking this question
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Passport to Happy Solutions
I am a student waiting to go to USA.
I have a clearance/invite from my desired university but the student visa is in process. It is now in the hands of US agency. It is taking lot of time and no reason is given.
I have lots to be done in India after I get the visa papers, before I can leave for USA in an orderly and un-rushed way.
Please help me so that all formalities are expedited, satisfactory, and I can be stress-free.
After your advice I have been chanting “WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER, CHERRY PLUM, IMPATIENS” on and off.
Since the last 3 days, I had been having trouble and frustrations with the passport website/helpline people for booking appointment.
I was also complaining to friends about this system and the frustrations – since within 1 or 2 minutes the appointment slots would disappear and the system would automatically say “All booked. Please try after 24 hours”.
I feared this could become an endless loop, a gamble.
There are alternatives like walk-in, but that would have been very inconvenient, as I would be missing some classes, deadlines etc.
Since yesterday, I was chanting at every opportunity – while jogging, bathing etc.
Today, a little before the appointment booking opening time, I not only chanted about 200 times (also added “Wolf help, Wolf help” at the end),
I also did some 200 forgiving chant for the passport booking system which I had been cursing as stupid.
I was peaceful, like even if it did not happen, it is ok. I am just meant to do the alternate process, because it is for some higher good, which I do not know.
And guess what, today within 30 seconds of my login, I got the appointment – process as smooth as butter.
Yes, I was alert and wiser today to not even be late by 5 seconds to login etc. But, I feel the whole thing came about successfully, including the “alertness” to do that, due to your guidance.
Yes- this was a just one step in many that need to happen – but I am confident other processes also will move appropriately at the right time.
Thank you so much for your selfless service – you are truly a blessing! And thank you Water Violet, Rock Water, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Wolf’!! Thank you, God!!!
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Solving mathematical problems
What should a student do who gets disturbed if he is not able to solve one sum out of 10 sums in practical papers? He also gets one step wrong in each sum.
Do you have some solutions to deal with practical exam papers?
What for you want remedies? Not to get disturbed? Or for putting sums rightly?
In practical exams like Maths, if 10 sums are asked, the student solves 9 sums but at least one step he does wrong in each sum and then one sum he lefts totally.
Finally, he gets depressed or disturbed by that thinking he has not given 100% in paper.
If one does not understand the basics of Maths MUSTARD flower remedy will help him understand the subject well.
Unable to learn from the mistakes is CHESTNUTBUD.
The combination of Mustard and Chestnut bud will make any one understand and learn the subject well.
Any student will regret the mistakes he committed in the exam. Not to regret, is HONEY SUCKLE.
Doing Well in the Examination Hall
During the examination, a student makes silly and careless mistakes. Probably due to lack of time, he is writing answers without any thinking.
While going through the question paper, he may find a question, for which he doesn’t know the answer.
He will become restless suddenly and will start writing the exam hastily. So his answers will tend to be wrong.
He may also go into a negative HORNBEAM state. Starting problem leads to mental weariness.
Immediately a crisis of confidence may occur – ELM.
A sudden regression may lead to sudden loss of memory – state of GENTIAN, and nothing seems to be remembered.
To avoid all these possible negative states in the examination hall, one can take the following flower remedies:
- Impatiens: not to do anything in a hurry
- Hornbeam: overcome mental weariness
- Elm: overcome any sudden crisis of confidence
- Gentian: prevents any regression and
- Wild Rose: when you try to speed up doing something, your mind has to be calm. Wild rose gives that to you and will liven up your enthusiasm throughout the examination. Also, you will have plenty of time to complete the exam!
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Any types of blocks can be removed
Raj was a student of mine. His brother-in-law had a heart problem.
When they did the scanning they found out that his lungs had fluid and unless it is removed, the heart block cannot be removed. Five times it happened and without any progress in sight.
He searched through my blogs and found that the mantra, “SRINIVASA ARAVINDALOCHANA” can remove blocks in lungs.
He asked his sister to chant it in a glass of water and give it to her husband. Additionally, he told her to whisper the mantra near the ears of her husband.
She did both.
Next month, when the doctors decided to do the operation, they did all the reports.
To their surprise they found out both the blocks in lungs and heart is not there anymore. They didn’t believe that patient took no other treatment except for taking the mantra-charged water.
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Confused about right answers
Radha Rani
This competitive exam consists of negative marking. It also confuses student. I usually get confused and got low marks.
Within specific time you have to score high. I am unable to complete it in time and got panic and try to guessing at last moment.
On the date of exam, take the flower remedies MIMULUS, LARCH, RESCUE REMEDY and SCLERANTHUS.
Getting panic: RESCUE REMEDY
Not to have confusion: SCLERANTHUS
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