Posts tagged successful

Our future is not determined


Let me give an example to make you understand that our future is not determined

In a typical office there is a conflict and arguments between office manager and the staff.

A staff member will have two options.

Either he can straightaway throw his job by getting angry and argumentative.

Many a time we succumb to our emotions and they guide your actions. We all know that. If you are able to be only like this, then the result is determined as what we expect to happen.

Or you can do the following, based on NLP:

Step One: Identify the emotion.

Let us say, we get angry. 

It’s ok. If we say then, “This is my anger”, it will be automatically gets reduced. This is one way of handling your emotions.

Step Two: Create the outcome you want.

Now ask the question, “What do I want from this situation”.

Analyze, “What’s my present state”. 

Then ask the question, “What do I want” or “What is the desired outcome I want here”.

Now we are forming a strategy here.

For example, if the strategy to create a situation is formed by the staff member then he won’t resign.

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Right or wrong, figure it out with your fingers:

Change is a celebration:

Find why I am successful:

Find why I am successful


I had spoken with you three days back regarding my loan getting sanctioned. You had asked me to chant “GORSE, WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER”. And I am still chanting it. Hope it will help me.

It has shown some positive results but it is taking time. Kindly help me in getting the process done faster. I will be in trouble if this delays.


Please add as follows: “GORSE, WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER, FIND WHY I got the loan from bank NOW DONE”


When you ask the question ‘Why’ something has happened, your subconscious mind will find a way to make it happen.

However, allow time and mind to make it happen. Whatever comes the way, follow that route, which will eventually lead you to the result you desire for.

Some of the examples are:

  • “FIND WHY I had a great time at the party”
  • “FIND WHY I  had a successful married life with so and so person”
  • “FIND WHY I am considered as a topper in my college”

Fear manifests what we do not want


There is always a saying that marriages are made in heaven. Is that true?

And if so then why there is negativity like divorce, extramarital, and even more than that?

I am very much afraid of this issue as it’s a lifelong decision and relationship.

Is there any switch word which all can chant to have a successful, happy and respected marital life either love or arranged.

Any switch words that can keep harmony not only in couple but also between two families because sometimes we see that due to family distances, fights arise.

And also anything after which there should not be any regression about marriage decision?

I know you are the only one who can clear my questions and hope so many people wants know it.


Fear is hallucination.

Fearing about something is happening in the mind only.

The mind is unable to perceive the future and therefore indulges in thoughts that produce fear.

Instead of becoming inquisitive, the mind pushes you in fear or in darkness.

What is this fear? Fear manifests the very same event which we do not want.

Understand that every emotion has got individual consciousness.

Fear is born because future is unknown. Anything unknown is darkness. Darkness – fear – will be no more, when there is light.

When the fear appears, think that it needs light. Say, “Fear SET FREE, OPEN, ALIGN yourself with the LIGHT and RELAX me.”

Read again and again all the answers and blog postings and meditate on each and every answer.

You will know everything that you need to know.

Too much of thoughts – unwanted thoughts – obsess you and you have forgotten to listen. Listening happens when we become silent and Truth will reveal itself when we introspect.

It is not my reply but your understanding is more important.

Do this, before you visit doctors


Before going to a physician

Ruby (Sun – red), Yellow Sapphire (******* – blue) and Emerald (Mercury – green)

Before visiting a general physician

Ruby and Emerald

When you visit a child specialist

Yellow Sapphire and Pearl

Before going to a dentist

Blue Sapphire and the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus (for fear)

If you want to use gems, pray to ****** and go to dentist. He will do a quick job and a thorough job. ****** is very important for teeth.

Alternatively, chant Blue Sapphire (****** is represented by it) or take pills of Blue Sapphire or chant Om Sanaicharaya Namaha (mantra for God ******) and (Bach Flower Remedy) Mimulus pills – for fear.

Before meeting an ENT specialist

Ruby and Emerald

Appointment with an eye doctor

Take Diamond pills, so you will be diagnosed properly.

Why?  When I have an eye problem, my indigo is less.

Surgery was suggested to you. You would like to have a successful surgery.

Ruby (Sun) and Coral (Mars)

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