Posts tagged took
Clients are My Eye Openers
Question: Every time after you finish your consultation with us, you say ‘Thank you’. Having received help from you don’t you think we need to say thanks to you instead?
Let me tell you a case history.
The other day, my eyes were reddish. I was chanting ‘LALITHAM LAMBODARAM’ and yet found no relief.
It was around 6.30 AM and I received a call then. Because it was very early in the morning I thought the matter had to be urgent. So, I picked the call with a sense of apprehension.
It was from my student Sangeetha. She wanted to report me on some healing that happened to her. For last few months, she was finding it difficult to read newspapers.
So, she took a bowel of water, and keeping her eyes opened she cleansed them, while chanting the switch words “CLEAR POINT”. The cleansing method is taught in yoga classes.
She was doing it for last one month. Now, she was able to read better. Saying this she hanged up the phone without adding anything.
I just did the same and my eyes got better. Don’t you agree now my students and clients are my eye openers?
Thank you for asking this question
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Any types of blocks can be removed
Raj was a student of mine. His brother-in-law had a heart problem.
When they did the scanning they found out that his lungs had fluid and unless it is removed, the heart block cannot be removed. Five times it happened and without any progress in sight.
He searched through my blogs and found that the mantra, “SRINIVASA ARAVINDALOCHANA” can remove blocks in lungs.
He asked his sister to chant it in a glass of water and give it to her husband. Additionally, he told her to whisper the mantra near the ears of her husband.
She did both.
Next month, when the doctors decided to do the operation, they did all the reports.
To their surprise they found out both the blocks in lungs and heart is not there anymore. They didn’t believe that patient took no other treatment except for taking the mantra-charged water.
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Things Improve in Life
As describing a flower is never the flower itself, some of the most subtle blessings and experiences lie beyond the reach of expression.
All the good that has come into my life since discovering the various methods offered in this blog are one of those. At a broad level many things have improved.
- I smoothly did my Lasik and took off my glasses after 27 years
- Broke my fear of driving and started moving on the roads
- Joined a fitness regimen
- Finished a novel
- My business is picking up
- Conflicts have reduced
- Most importantly I have stumbled on many more sources of spiritual knowledge and got into a meditation routine
Of course, I have had my share of deep angst through the year, but I have been able to deal with it much better.
Every time I have been in pain, I either read his blog or have confided in Naran and have found much relief.
Almost every life situation has been dealt with in the blog. They are practical and can even be done on behalf of others.
What moves me the most is the non-judgmental generosity, devoid of greed in the responses to those who seek help.
Life is so infinitely complex, so limitless is our sadness and there really is so little we can do. When we really, really need help, how comforting it is to know there is an individual and a great wave of compassion that we can turn to.
There is no way one can come upon spiritual knowledge except by an act of generosity. Therefore with the deepest gratitude not just for myself as a beneficiary but on behalf of all the million views on the blog I will sign off.
Please, please give these methods a chance. Some work, some don’t but keep at it, things will improve. What do we actually have to lose except our disbelief?
Thank you dear Naran!! LOVE THANKS DIVINE!!!
I am not getting my promotion
One person joined a new company.
He worked in the company for one year. He was due for a promotion but he did not get it.
So he thought that this company is not the right company for him. He was contemplating to resign and started searching for a new job.
At that time he developed a back pain. There is no problem in the office, but he is thinking that he is not given promotion.
I asked him the nature of his back pain.
He said that while sitting there is no pain. But while walking or climbing the stairs, he gets a back pain.
Here the body conveys to him, “The place you are sitting is already secured. Why you need to go elsewhere. Why do you want another job? You are already secured”.
I told him that this company is by all means secured.
Now, he has to make a commitment, ‘I will stop searching for a new job’.
If the pain reduces then the diagnosis is correct and he has to continue in this company.
He took the commitment. The pain got healed and he stopped searching for a new job. Till to-day he has been in the same job, for the last 7 years.
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To CHANGE one has to MOVE.
MOVE BACK, MOVE AWAY: not to do a shameful act, move away from it: Walnut is the remedy.
MOVE-IN means to Enter – for example, to enter into an agreement.
When an agreement is signed, chant “WALNUT and WALNUT”
Nobody will break the agreement. They will adhere to the policy of a gentlemen’s agreement.
When somebody makes a commitment to you, think about Walnut and he will not move away or depart from the commitment.
To make progress – to MOVE UP: WALNUT
We have to consider the opposite meaning of a particular expression to find the negative mental state and then to figure out the deeper action spheres of the Flower Remedies.
The opposite meaning of the word Enter is Depart or Remove: fear of removal from service, there will be no dismissal if you take WALNUT. Walnut will eliminate fear of removal. So you will feel safe and secure.
To prevent amputation, give WALNUT. It will be prevented.
The doctors had advised to remove Sajeevanam’s mother’s leg, as she was suffering from acute diabetes. She took Walnut for two days.
The doctors felt may be they will wait for some more time, before they consider amputation again. Amputation also means Disconnection. Walnut prevents disconnection.
If a wife doesn’t want to divorce, with help of WALNUT she can achieve her objective.
If you feel that you are not connected to the family and say, “I don’t belong here. I am out of place,” thanks to WALNUT it will happen.
You will make the necessary adjustments and changes required for the new place. This is required for a newly married girl.
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Seems like miracles
Dear Naran,
I have written many mails to you and when I don’t get reply, I don’t feel anything because my work is to tell you. I know that from that point on, I am in the grace of your Love and Light in Pink Healing Energy.
Since last six months, though life has been difficult and very depressing, it has been DIVINE ORDER at work.
Main purpose in writing this is to share what seems like miracles…!!!
Even after any horrific experience, which I normally have with my people, I have a deep and sound sleep. I wake up in the morning and remain calm. I am so calm that I cannot remember when I last took RESCUE REMEDY. This is despite so many stressful events on a daily basis – maid, college politics etc. I think I may finally earn my thick skin. J
A day before, God is so great that he didn’t even make me feel any stress over the missing bag. And before I knew of the loss, it was restored! What a divine grace! Else it would have been a great problem.
Every day, when I have some problems, and am not able to reach you or find a solution, I somehow get an answer. I feel it may be just my fanciful imagination, but I am always smiling with my thoughts.
The other thing is that I was very disturbed by a couple of counselling cases. It seemed like a mirror to me and what I saw disturbed me greatly. But I took the learning and told myself, if you learn the lesson then you will be free.
And I am trying to be LOVE as much as possible. I always try and give Reiki to college, students, exams, food etc.
Last but not the least, your trip to Mumbai. It is as if the last unfulfilled wish, God decided to put me out of misery.
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