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Find the right plot of land


We are now living at my in-laws place with 2 children in one bedroom. My husband wants to buy a plot of land to build our own house.

I shall be grateful that you please give mantra and other remedy that I can do, so that we quickly find a plot of land at a good price with no blockages for financing (partly by us) and no obstacle to get a loan at bank to acquire same.




I am very grateful for the mantra given to me. Now, we have found the right plot of land which is bigger than what we were looking for, yet the price is very good.

Part payment is being done and we’ll have only one month to complete payment. However my husband needs to go abroad for 2 weeks for work starting next week.

Kindly give mantra and remedy for me to do, so that our loan request at the bank be accepted without delay before end of May 2014.


The same is to be continued.

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Today, I listened to your SPECIAL MANTRAS CD while travelling to office. I felt immense gratitude in heart while listening to the DIVINE VOICE (I mean it).

There were some SPECIAL changes happening within when I completely concentrated with closed eyes and listened to “VALLABAM GAJAANANAM EKADHANTHAM”

As I had expressed my worry during our session in Mumbai that my entire marriage story/receipts in a file given to the lawyers was lost in mid-March by them.

This shattered my faith in lawyers, who happens to be very good to me and my parents, yet politically smart.

To my surprise, my lawyer calls me today the moment I enter office, when I stop the Mantra CD midway.

He told me that another lawyer has brought the file as he had forgotten the file in his room which they had not SEARCHED. My file was all alone, unhampered, and safe.

I regained my faith in my lawyers and totally BELIEVE NOW that they will get me JUSTICE.

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The Bach Flower Remedy Vine

Key words

Dominating, Ruthless, Ambitious, Totally Arrogant


If you don’t know how to be a servant, you will always be bossed over


  • A Vine boss would claim, “I have absolute control over my staff”.
  • You ask some questions to your boss, about the institution you are working for. Your Vine Boss would reply, “Don’t ask me any questions. Do what I say”.
  • People become fearful, when they come.
  • Ruthlessly disregard others
  • Vine will have his way at any cost.
  • Ruthlessly disregards the opinion of others.
  • Everybody should dance to his tunes.
  • The Vine person is cruel, pitiless without conscience.  He will instil fear in others.
  • Can’t tolerate anyone contradicting him.
  • He beats others.
  • Vine father will develop fear in his child.  The means justifies the end.
  • When you find it difficult to obey others
  • A Vine child will not obey.

Vine says…

  • I am the ruler. You are the ruled.
  • I can question anybody in authority and shake them.
  • I impose my opinion on my children. My word is final for them.
  • I keep my employees on their toes.
  • I will accept what my superior say but with my subordinates, I impose my will.
  • Others say that I impose my will and go into rage when contradicted


  • For any crisis situations, as it gives you a good presence of mind and tremendous will power to handle the crisis. Of course, take it only when there is a crisis.
  • You are a man to be looked up to when there is a crisis, and a helping hand in crisis.
  • At work when you are promoted and asked to lead others à Vine + Walnut for a month.
  • To handle a dominant partner and in-laws, who squeeze too much of joy out of your life take à Centaury + Vine + Hornbeam. In these situations, you need to ask the questions: how to manage your life? How can you come out of this predicament? Whether you can come out? If you have the question how to initiate the process, then take à Cerato + Vine + Hornbeam + Centaury + Walnut.
  • To manage arrogant and adamant children à Cerato + Centaury + Vine + Hornbeam + Walnut
  • Your purpose in life is to lead others
  • To use your presence of mind.
  • Vine, Cherry Plum: I am becoming violent in my temper


  • Multiple sclerosis – Vine. Patches of degeneration in the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Anorexia – Rock water + Vine
  • Sclerosis: (Sclerosis) the hardening of any part from the growth of fibrous tissues.
  • Athero astero sclerosis: the hardening of arteries (elasticity is lost)
  • Symptoms: disturbance of speech, vision and micturition and muscular weakness of limbs.
  • Might be affected by passive – aggressive personality disorder, disruptive behaviour, disorders, especially conduct disorders and anti – social disorders.

Fear no change


I stamped lizard on my left foot and it died, I am afraid is it bad. I feel really bad and tears rolling down.




For feeling guilty: PINE

Expecting something bad to happen (without any known reasons): ASPEN

The message from Lizard, don’t wait to CHANGE

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A way to CLEAR off your debts


I came to know about your blog on Aug 15 2013. I saw one switch word combination, “MOVE ON FIND COUNT DIVINE JOB” for getting a job. I started chanting it from Aug 15 itself.

Then I sent you a mail with my job problem and you replied with “QUITE CLEAR” Mantra on 25th of Aug 2013. I chanted that too. Yes, I did chanting it, very much all the time.

Also, I used to chant Ambika Anaadhi…Mantra before interviews.  And then the magic happened. On 28 Aug I got two offers.  I have accepted one of the offers and joined the company, just 2 days back.

Your guidance has been like Divine guidance for me. I have got this job after 1.5 years. Alas, I could not find your blog before!  Thanks to You!! Also, thanks to GOD!!!

Now, I am chanting “Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram…” Mantra, since I have debt of 10 Lakhs because of my divorce settlement and unemployment.  Please advise if it’s the right mantra to clear off my debt and remain employed.


“LALITHAM SRIDHARAM, LALITHAM BASKARAM, LALITHAM SUDARSHANAM” mantra will give you light and source of good income.

Lalitham – the one mother who is so compassionate, that she will forgive all my past. Forgiving all the past she allows Sridharam (wealth), to bring money from Baskaram – the provider of wealth, and activates Sudarshnam, to continue the flow of money (after the debts are paid-off).

Bow down to the (Lalitham) Mother in reverence and chant the mantra. And when you chant this powerful mantra, chant it with all the trust in divine, without expecting anything in return. 

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