Posts tagged workout

Burn Excess Calories


I have gained weight day-by-day – mostly on upper part of the body and shoulders. I regularly do workout on treadmill and burn 200-400 calories per day, but of no use.

What should I do for losing weight?


Take gem remedies CORAL and RUBY regularly three pills each, three times a day.


Ruby and Coral belong to fire element and together they will break and disintegrate the fat cells.

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Using past-life healing on a daily basis


Whenever we go to a new place, heal the people who had previously occupied the place.

Either you go to a rented place or to a hotel, heal the stay of the previous occupant. Make it whole and complete. Then only your stay will be fulfilled.

Otherwise, it might have an impact on you. We don’t know who the previous occupant was and what happened to them.

Whenever you sit for dining in a hotel, heal the person who used the table previously before you order for the food.

Or before entering the hotel, you might heal all the people who had taken food there. Do a prayer for them.

In an interview, whoever was interviewed previously, heal their mental states. This way, you don’t need to heal the future as it is taken care of it automatically.

Whenever you join the company, heal the person who was working previously in your place.

When you go to a clinic, heal the patient(s) who had seen the doctor just before you. If a new case comes, heal the previous case.

Every day morning, heal the previous day happenings. See that every past is healed.

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