Posts tagged younger

Does horoscope decides going abroad

Sushma Pandey

If a person’s horoscope deny oneself abroad chance, will the switch word chanting help such a person to go abroad?

One of my cousins has been told that he can never go abroad as his stars/planet doesn’t favour him. But, he is very inclined to go abroad and make some income for himself and his two younger sisters.

Will the switch words change his destiny and he too can go abroad?


To make some income for himself and his two younger sisters, ask him to chant the Switch Words.

Everybody has a horoscope. Every life is destined. There is no doubt about it. But the future is not fixed.

There are 7 different future holograms. Of the seven, as per the present decision, one will happen.

Healing is a way of surrendering. Surrender and do the healing. Everything will happen, if the Divine decides.

You don’t come to a conclusion. Let the divine decide what to give.

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Senior citizens need not be alone


Rajan became a widow at the age of 65. Both his sons were away. So he felt lonely and disturbed.

He took the remedies CHICORY, WILD ROSE and GENTIAN for four months.

Then his younger son’s assignment got over and his company asked him to come back to Chennai. So, he brought his family – wife, son and daughter, along with him.

He decided to stay with his father, who started enjoying the company of his young grand-children.

I found the above-mentioned combination helps one to manage the old age comfortably.

CHICORY helps you to get help at the right time, which is a must for senior citizens.

Remove your uncertainty getting jobs


During my visit to the centre a few months back I asked your advice for a job for my younger son and his wife.

As per your advice I have been chanting ‘”ADJUST TOGETHER CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”.

There  is  some delay  in my  son  getting a  job  which  is of  great  concern to all of  us. 

I sought your guidance in his success on Monday.

Is there any chant that could remove this uncertainty and be successful in getting a job offer? Currently, he has now been interviewed in two companies.


I  am pleased to  inform you  that  my  son has got a job  offer from  both the companies and  he has  chosen  one. He reported to work today.   

I   had been chanting as per your guidance and am very grateful to you.

Thanking you

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