
Thank those who get the food for us

Naran S Balakumar

All of us take breakfast, lunch and dinner. If we like, we eat in between too.

But we rarely think about how a meal/food comes to us -the land on which the grains are sown for us –  the farmer who works for a good harvest, from the farmers to the retailers and from the retailer to us the food is transported and distributed.

Also, the people make this food eatable for us. All these people are working at the background for the meal that is served to us. We need to thank all these people and their services.

Thank all the food and the people involved in this process.

Close your eyes meditate and thank all these processes and people and the mother earth. Thank the people who offer food to you.

If you are feeding someone, thank divine for giving you the opportunity and the people who are being fed.

If we practice (thanking) then our children also would learn from us.
