
Thank you Wolf for making me a Winner


My cousin called me from New York one morning.

He has one boss in his current location US and one at India.

The boss from India had asked him to complete some assignment. He could not do so because of the work and informed him also.

But this person was not happy and so gave him a poor appraisal. His consolidated appraisal involved both the bosses.

The boss from US gave him a very high rating. However, his overall appraisal was bad and would affect his promotions and growth.

He spoke to the boss at US who said that he knew that my cousin was very genuine and hard-working. He said he can request for an amendment in the appraisal.

The process was a difficult one as it involved his dept, HR dept and the boss’s boss as well. The US boss had applied for the same and it was already over a month.

My cousin called Wolf and asked him to resolve the issue by the following Evening. To his surprise the appraisal got reversed and he got a good rating as well.

His boss at the US was also extremely surprised as the process of change is cumbersome.

My cousin is still amazed by the power of the Animal Spirit Guide Wolf!
