
Last Saturday, I have gone through you FORGIVENESS book (one of my favorite book now.) and from Sunday, I have started the forgiving exercise for my boss, my MIL and my husband.

And all of sudden my boss who is actually very angry on me for some misunderstandings started talking to me and appreciating my work. I am very happy.

Further, there are still no changes in my MIL and husband but I am continuing the same as it is only 2 days now I have started forgiving exercise and I can’t expect sudden changes, so early in them but I will continue.


Our life will be reflected in other parts of the life.

One’s Unforgiving attitude, blaming tendency, in one place, may result in his being accused in another place.

When a problem crops up in the office, and when we are blamed, we never think of the connection of our mental state.

One might have anger and resentment towards one of the family members or all.

This anger and resentment carried in the mind, results in a situation unexpectedly wherein you’re blamed or accused falsely. This event is a divine call to you to correct your own attitude in the house.

Unfortunately, we don’t think about ourselves, further going into the blaming mode – now blaming the office colleague or boss also for his wrongs.

The truth is “The accused is the Accuser”

Nothing in life can be overlooked. Everything happens to us to evolve.