
Tired of worrying about money


I am always short of money and in debts.

I had written to earlier about debts…but I am scared to chant to eliminate debts as I am afraid that would mean paying them off in lump sum from whatever money I get.

This would make things even more difficult for me.

How can I get more money without creating new debts, so that I can meet my expenses easily and clear off debts without being stressed out?

I am so tired of thinking and worrying about money and meeting expenses.


You are not running your life. Come out of stress.

The divine is the distributor of money. He always balances the receiving and giving of money for every human being.

Thank the divine when you get the money, and when you spend money.

Thank the money when you get the loan.

Then only you can repay your debts.

Your fear about taking any corrective step is keeping you in the same state.

Have you ever analyzed your mind?

You have been in a state of fear and worry. Did those mental states help you or not?

If not, why should you have fear and worry?

Your fear and worry have made you tired mentally and physically. Not to be stressed is in your hands.

Take the flower remedy RESCUE REMEDY and MIMULUS to overcome your fear, and WHITE CHESTNUT CHICORY and HORNBEAM to move off from the present mental rut. Take these remedies for a period of minimum two months.


Thank you so much. I will do as you have advised. Yes, I constantly worry about money. I will take these remedies and hope to overcome this way of thinking.
