If there are no sounds then there is no world. Sound alone can create structure or a form based on the principle of sympathetic resonance.

If you tune one tuning fork (or a crystal bowl) then tuning fork next to it will also resonate in the same frequency.

So sound is important to our lives. It is the creator of the world. If there is no sound then there is no world.

Bija Mantras

Our ancestors have found out that our Chakras – the energy centres or wheels of energy are responsive to specific sounds called as Bija mantras.

Bija means seed. It can influence the DNA of the matter inside us. When all the chakras open up harmoniously, things will happen for us automatically – with least of our efforts.

Benefits of Bhajans Singing

If the mind is attached to the body then we always think about it. Then whatever happens to the body is more painful to us.

Therefore, we had to detach the mind from body. How?

By listening to Bhajans or doing Keertans is one way of releasing body from mind and completely disassociating from it.

As long as you’re concerned about body, there will be shyness in our approach. This can be removed with help of Bhajans.

Bhajans are nothing but Namas or a string of Mantras. Bhajans are one way of directly talking to god and relating the god within oneself.

So it’s good to sing the Bhajans loudly. There need not be any shyness in chanting the Namas.

Speciality of Namas or Mantras

Each of them works with different parts of the body.

For example, Kesavam Narayanam mantra acts on Hara chakra. It is a cleansing mantra.

Madavam Madavan activates both right and left hemispheres of the brain. If you chant Madavam Madavan there won’t be any paralysis.

Poojas Are Effective too…

We can break up any mantra or Namas to one or more bija mantras.

Poojas are important for the same reason as they are nothing but mantras. Each and every name of the lord is a coinage of bija mantra. Thus our own centres are activated when we hear the Namas.

Healing Through Mantras

For mantras, all problems are one and the same. They don’t differentiate serious problems from smaller problems.

A mantra that works for one problem will work for similar types of problems – whether they are big or small.  Thus God’s ways are simple.

There are many mantras available to us. Based on the situation we had to chant the appropriate mantra. Keep chanting them until the problem is solved.

Water Treatment with Mantras

Any mantra/switch word/Bach flower remedies can be chanted by holding a glass of water on your hand. Then after sometime, drink it.

Healing Others

To heal others put their name in a piece of paper, keep it on the left hand and chant the mantras.

Preferably chant during the beginning of the day and then later before going to sleep.

Numerology Doesn’t Work (all the time)

The most important thing is how the Mantra sounds.

Numerology doesn’t work for the same reason. If you add one more “A” to your name, it will not make any difference as your name is going to be pronounced in the same way.

Thus pronunciation is important. We are subject to sound. Even if somebody doesn’t know spelling, it impacts them.