
You are not able to relax and unable to sleep

Naran S Balakumar

How to relax your mind and go to sleep with the help of a Mudra?

Why you are not able to relax? It means your mind is overactive.

By keeping the index finger at the base of the thumb, I reduce my thoughts and thus my thinking. And then I touch the little finger for relaxation.

Always, ring finger and little finger works together. So, touch the ring finger also with the thumb.

Thus the Mudra is done with index finger touching the base of the thumb, while the ring and little fingers touch the tip of the thumb, on both the hands.

Less air and more of water and earth elements gives you relaxation.

Even after doing this, if your thoughts are not minimized and you are not able to relax then reduce the space element by also making the middle fingers touch the base of the thumb.

This is a beautiful sleeping Mudra – index and middle fingers at the base of the thumb, while ring and little fingers touching the thumb, because it is a very good relaxation Mudra.

Additionally, you can also chant some mantras or switch words to sleep.