Rule Your Mind

Becoming happy is in your hands

Draw a Silver Triangle on the left palm.

Ask “How can I become happy?

Put all the answers in the left palm (triangle) – put the desire in the triangle

Lock it by drawing an inverted triangle over it.

Draw another triangle on the right palm.

Ask “Why am I unable to be happy?

Put all the answers in the right palm triangle.

Lock it by drawing an inverted triangle over it.

Keep the left palm, 1 to 1 ½’ away horizontally from the right palm – both the palms face each other.

Bring both the palms together slowly …very very slowly, towards each other till both meet at the centre.


Ask another question –

What are the positive points in being unhappy?

Put the positive points on the right palm.

What are the negative points in being unhappy?

Put the negative points on the left palm.

Follow the healing steps.

Ask one more question –

What are positive points in being happy?

Put the positive points on the left palm.

What are the negative points in being happy?

Put the negative points on the right palm.

Follow the healing steps.

Write “SUPREME LOVE SEAL LIFT KIND DIVINE” daily in a notebook for 51 times.

Repeat the entire routine for 42 days.

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Why something never happens in our lives


What’s the SECRET behind the fact that some things like “Buying My Own House” never happens?

These emotions, thoughts and desires are consciously operating. But, there’s one thing that unconsciously operates which is called as (internal) resistance.

For us, in our lives something never happens (whatever we might do). Who is responsible for that?

It’s we who are responsible for that.

I want to buy a house but I couldn’t buy it.

I want to get married but couldn’t get married. Why?

While there is some force behind “Wanting to get married”, then there is also an unconscious force that is equally operating that works towards “Not wanting to get married”. 

When two forces equally strong operate from opposite sides, then we would be stand-still.

It is like while you give a throttle to the car, you apply for brakes also. Then the car will not move from the current place.

For all matters of life, this concept can be applied.

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Converting unwanted to wanted


Ram had problems with his brother Sundar, for the last 15 years, after his brother had cheated him to the tune of 1 crore of rupees.

While Ram was suffering like anything, Sundar was doing well by all means. Sundar’s business was growing leaps and bounds. He could get his children married easily and so on.

On the contrary, Ram was struggling financially. All his attempts to get his daughter married proved futile.

For last six years, I was giving several healing techniques to Ram. He was following them judiciously. Over the course of the time, he could get his money back from Sundar. Though, he could never release his anger for him.

He came to see me last week in regards to his daughter’s marriage. There were two prospects, but neither of them is committing for the marriage proposal.

I asked him to do the following technique based on the fact that he is jealous of the progress of his brother.

I asked him to close his eyes. Then visualize his house in a screen in front of him and mark the place and then his brother’s house in the same screen. He had to move his house slowly towards his brother‘s house to merge both.

He did this for a few days. One of the two prospects agreed to marry his daughter.

I know, you will have some questions

How can I use this technique when I am single and have to do this technique to attract a suitable girl into my love-life?

You will know somebody who can attract himself a girl-friend or bride. Visualize yourself, shifting yourself into him. This way you are developing in you the capacity he has.

I don’t want to become like him, as he some bad aspects about him

He might have other qualities which you don’t like. Don’t worry as you are only intending for the capacity you lack, which you want to develop in yourself.

Other example could be…

You have a prospective customer as well as a customer who doesn’t respond to your sales call at all. Move your unresponsive client into responding client and this way you will be able to convert him into a prospective customer.

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Conflicts Inside Out


What can I do when I feel that my future is not good or happy? Should I chant release?

Why this type of thought comes on mind… it any signal?


The mind is not one. It is a union of various parts – accumulation of all surviving emotions. Each works in a different and opposite ways.

This thought comes from that part of mind which is fearful. Don’t get yourself bogged down by this thought. Treat this as a doubt asking by some part of the mind.

Think that somebody is asking you. Give a reply to that part as another person like this, “Don’t be afraid. Release your fear. You are safe and secured”.

That part (of the mind) for the time being will keep quite. After sometime it may again raise the doubt. Every time give the same answer and escape.

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Love is safe:

Fear of intimacy:

Praise Money:

How to become happy?


Lakshmi is ‘Supreme Delight and Love’.

How to bring that in our lives?

There is a technique for that.

Whenever you feel sad, worried and fearful about money then do the following exercise.

There must be some period in your life where you would have been joyful and happier, and happiness born out of innocence. You would have enjoyed a joy of innocence.

Take that period as well as the current worrying period. Worry can be about anything.

We need to interchange them.

There is a technique in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), by which you can immediately shift your emotions.

Visualize a white screen in front of you.

That white screen is your brain.

Normally, how brain stores the images?

All the worries in life will be in one compartment.

Similarly, all the joys will be in another compartment.

Likewise, all your anger will be in some other compartment.

Similarly, all persons you like will be in another compartment and those persons whom you dislike will be in another compartment.

Like this, you can segregate all your emotions.

Close your eyes. Visualize a white screen in front of you.

Think about the joyful period in the past. You have look in which part of the white screen – in which compartment, you have stored it. Feel the joy within yourself and identify the place it is stored.

Where is my present state of worry, anger, sadness or grief?

We found two compartments.

Both of them are in different places. Bring the worry compartment into joy compartment. You cannot bring it directly. Take a round-about route.

Now, automatically your worry will be transferred into joy.

There is a period of abundance of money and a period of lack. Sometime you had money and now you don’t have much.

Do it once. Bring the worry into joy compartment and not the other way around.

By this way, you can turn your enemy into friend.

Love is safe


This constant depression is taking a toll on me :(. So, when I get even a straw of positivity from you it makes me feel better. No amount of telling my mind anything helps. It continues to feel sad about everything that is going wrong, in parallel. No house, no promotion, no love. And finally all the hard work only gets bad feedback.


Behind sadness, there is expectation to be loved; behind this expectation, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment or fear of intimacy is there. The fear and expectation or desiring operate in opposite directions, and produce the sadness feeling. This fear denies everything you desire. Chant this and write this:

  • “I release that part, which wants to be loved”
  • “I release that part, which activates fear of rejection”
  • “I align with that part, which gives love unconditionally.”
  • “I align with that part, which feels secured

Find why I am successful


I had spoken with you three days back regarding my loan getting sanctioned. You had asked me to chant “GORSE, WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER”. And I am still chanting it. Hope it will help me.

It has shown some positive results but it is taking time. Kindly help me in getting the process done faster. I will be in trouble if this delays.


Please add as follows: “GORSE, WATER VIOLET, ROCK WATER, FIND WHY I got the loan from bank NOW DONE”


When you ask the question ‘Why’ something has happened, your subconscious mind will find a way to make it happen.

However, allow time and mind to make it happen. Whatever comes the way, follow that route, which will eventually lead you to the result you desire for.

Some of the examples are:

  • “FIND WHY I had a great time at the party”
  • “FIND WHY I  had a successful married life with so and so person”
  • “FIND WHY I am considered as a topper in my college”

Want a promotion

Naran: What’s your goal?

Arjun: I want to get the promotion, in my current job.

Naran: In spite of trying to get it, you are not getting it.

Arjun: It’s due to procedural delay.

Naran: I have a goal to be promoted. Why I am not getting promoted? List the thoughts that come to your mind. You think there is a procedural delay. Release the thought.

Why do you want promotion? What if there is no promotion?

Arjun: I will get more salary.

Naran: Advantages of getting the job means there will be more salary. Release the desire for more salary.

Why you need more salary? Do you think you have less money?

As long as there is a procedural delay I will not get it. It is your belief. Release the belief.Because of this belief you have stopped trying for your promotion.

Release this resistance. Why there might be resistance? There might be advantages in the present position. List them out.

Arjun: I have to go to a different city. In the current position I don’t need to move out.

Naran: List the disadvantages of getting the promotion. List the advantages of getting the promotion because that stops you from getting it. Release them all.

What will happen if I don’t get the promotion? Why do I need it? Or what will I do if there is a procedural delay until I retire.

Arjun: No chance.

Naran: When you think there is no chance, then that will be your chance. Release the thoughts and emotions you will get, if somebody gets a promotion instead of you.

What will happen if I get the promotion?

Arjun: I will have more fun. I will get another new car. As there will be an increase in salary, I will spend more and so on.

Naran: Release the feelings that you will get if you get the promotion, so that you are even-minded about the promotion.When you are looking forward to your promotion you will have expectations about it. Release those expectations.

Arjun: Are you saying excitement is not good?

Naran: I am not saying whether excitement is good or bad. I am saying release the excitement (happiness, joy). What is excitement? It is a feeling, which is created by the mind. Release it.

It’s like a bowler in cricket match. When he gets his first wicket, he will be joyful and jumping here and there. After that, what happens?

He can’t take the rest of the nine wickets and gets disappointed. If gets too excited, he will loose the match. We have all seen those who get over-excited and make critical mistakes due to that.

So, it implies that we need to remain neutral in all situations.

Achieve a litter-free zone inside your mind

Yes, it’s a good state of mind. When we will have a litter-free zone (minds)? You will get that mental state only when you release both happy and unhappy emotions. It will result in a blank state of mind.

There is no word to in the dictionary to describe this state of mind.  In that state, you will be happier and more joyful.

Unless you experience that state, you can’t understand that as there are no words in the dictionary to describe that state (of mind or no-mind).  I use the expressions blank state of mind or litter-free zone.

How to get to that blank state of mind?

Release both sad thoughts and good thoughts. You will get to a state, which is the state of Buddha.

It could be called as bliss as we haven’t experienced it. And people, who have experienced it, can’t explain it. I am taking you to that state.

There is proverb in Tamil – the one who has seen it can’t explain and one who can explain it hasn’t seen it (KANDAVAR VINDILAR VINDAVAR KANDILAR).

Re-cap of RULES discussed

  1. List the reasons you think is the creator of the situation you want to change. Release them one after another
  2. Release the beliefs about the current situation (the reason behind the existence of the situation)
  3. Release the internal resistance for not moving to the new situation
  4. Release the advantages you have in the current situation
  5. Release the advantages that you are expecting to find in the new situation
  6. Release the thoughts, feelings and expectations about the benefits you will get in the new situation
  7. Release the disadvantages you will have in the new situation
  8. Release the belief that you will get the promotion
  9. Release the disadvantages if somebody else gets the promotion
  10. Release both happy and unhappy emotions

My partner is not happy

Question: We are doing well in business. However, my partner always thinks we are not doing well-enough. It is difficult to make him feel happy.


You and your associates are able to feel happy, while your partner sees otherwise means that his mind is distorting the fact.

He is both DELETING the fact that you are doing well in business and at the same time, he is not seeing the reality – called as DISTORTION in NLP.

How to make him understand the reality?

Ask him to affirm:

“I release the part, which ignores the fact that we are doing well in business”.

“I activate the part that understands we are doing well in business”.

Question: I doubt he will do the affirmation. Can I do the chanting for him?



“I release the part in me that activates his unhappiness about our growth in business”.

“I am OPEN and ALIGN with the part that makes him feel happy about our business growth”.

To know why you are the creator of his behavior, you need to understand what Shadow Self is and how it operates on us.

Relating well with a person


Why do you like somebody? It is because he or she gives you happiness.

  • I release my desire to seek happiness through him.

What is actually happening inside me?

The person might change. You could not like him then. If you do not get happiness because of the change in him then you do not want him to change.

  • Here, desire to control is operating. Release that.

I notice, now I have a desire to seek happiness through that person. Thus, everything is conditional, which is our (human) nature.

Ask the question, ‘What is the pleasure or pain that I operate from?’

Desire to control or change is always with us.

As long desire to control is operating, harmony cannot be established as it is compromised. Therefore, change your desire to control.

  • I release my desire to change him.
  • I release my anger about him.

Even if he says good things, you reject it for you do not want his approval (as you dislike him).

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