Rule Your Mind

Positive vs. Negative thoughts

Naran S Balakumar

A thought is a thought. Who says it is positive?

We say so as judging, categorizing, good or bad, likes and dislikes, it is the creation of the human mind.

For the divinity there is no judgment at all. It doesn’t judge that this is positive and that is negative.

So good thought or bad thought, everything has to be released.

Only when you do so, then only you will find what real happiness is. That is Sat Chit Ananda Roopini (goddess of ever-green-joy).

However, even to feel the Sat Chit Anandam (ever-green-joy),one should have the grace of that energy.

Unless we have the grace of the divine, we cannot do any action and move forward in life. At the same time unless we take the action, divine grace will not come. Both are dependent on each other.

We are not doing anything new

There is nothing like past. Analyze your life now. Analyze your emotions and relationships now.

This is what you did in the previous Janma. If you do analyze and release the present situation, that means you are also handling the karma efficiently.

We are not doing anything new. Whatever we have done so far is the continuation of the previous life(s).

Then how to deviate or overlook the karma?

When you start thinking differently about a particular issue then your past life karma will not have any effect on you, because you are going on a different path.

Thinking differently and behaving differently in a situation is very important.

If somebody is having a contrary opinion to you, our normal nature is to resist it or have a judgment about that person. Then how to go about it differently?

It means, “Yes that person is telling his views. I have my own views. I appreciate his views and let him have his views and let me not try to change it either”.

In that manner, you mend your ways and deviate from the past. For each and every behavior, find out how you behaved in the past and deviate from that. Then you are not re-living your past.

Only when you are not reliving your past then only you can create a new future.

That is another subject called as ‘Past-Life Healing’.


Read the first part here:


But to train our mind, which has been seeking love from outside world from many lives and suddenly to turn it towards the unseen force of love of god, is the most difficult thing to do.

Is there any easy way to surrender to god, or to train our mind which is not used to that process till now?


How did you learn the alphabets? Was it not difficult at the young age of 4 or 5? Are you still finding it difficult?


Nothing is easier. There is no short cut.

How do you turn inward?

When there is anger, what we do? We see the person outside, react to what he says and then the altercation starts.

When any emotion is kindled, check yourself from participating. Instead, go within yourself and ask, “Why this anger in me? From where (inside me), it is coming?”

If the physical indication points to me – my hunger and thirst, I immediately satiate my hunger and quench my thirst. Similarly if there is anger in me, I have to release it, instead of inciting it.

Try this with any of your emotions and thoughts. Release anything as and when it arises. Just say, “Can I release this? Say I release this anger…”

Audit your thoughts


I want to share one wonderful experience with you, which have happened recently. I’m doing one audit for a company and this month there was physical verification of stock.

A fortnight back, I went with my team and compiled the report. The report was throwing out some serious abnormalities. Generally we sign the report on the same day.

Since difference was out of proportion, I called the GM of the company and we had a meeting on Monday and I had submitted the report.

After a week, on Monday, one senior official called meand he started blaming me that I had given a wrong report. He never allowed me to talk as well.

Then he had sent a mail asking for the qualification of persons carrying on the audit. Immediately after the call I chanted “PINE”and “WILLOW”.

Immediately, I saw R Mohan online and mailed him all the details.

He asked me to do “Living with awareness” and also chant the switch words,”BOW TINY CONCEDE TOGETHER REACH DIVINE”. I chanted that.

But, I was kind of hurt. I also chanted, “AGRIMONY HEATHER WATER VIOLET HOLLY HORNBEAM”,which you had mentioned for a “PEACEFUL VISIT”in the blog:

Then whenever the worry came, I kept on surrendering the problem to “The Mother”.

I had the constant fear whether they would change the auditor, since I was doing it for my friend.

Suddenly yesterday late evening they called up and said confusion is mainly because they had given the wrong details for book stock and apologized to me.

I thanked the Divine and also was a bit harsh with them for giving the wrong data.

One more interesting input here is the person who called and shouted at me on Monday had already known that the details given by them are wrong on Saturday itself.

How did they change it then? I had to learn a lesson and the healing had taken place.

My many thanks to you and R Mohan!


Whenever any event happens our reaction is instantaneous. This happens because of the memory of the past behaviour. This pattern if repeated puts you into the karmic loop.

When anything happens, behave opposite to your normal behavior. Here, only releasing techniques help one person.

When you react contrary to your normal behaviour (behaviour includes reaction, your thoughts, your conclusion etc.) you are out of the karmic loop.

Best of luck

Take a different route today

RULE: Act Different

(Based on NLP)

Gita works in a garment industry.

She had to place an order for 100 meters of Blue cloth and 1000 meters of white. Instead she placed an order for 1000 meters of Blue and 100 meters of White.

Using this combination, she would not be able to execute her production work. The material will be unusable, resulting in loss of money for her company. May be she will lose her job too.

She realized her mistake when she reached her home only. By then it was late night and the supplier would not take any change in order over the phone. She had to do it over the internet.

She called Naran S. Balakumar next day at 7 in the morning. He told her to do the following:

  1. Count the no of flowers – white and red flowers, on her way to office. She had to stop at every office building where there are flowers, count them – White and Red, and put the counts in a piece of paper.
  2. Call Balakumar as soon as she reaches her office, but before entering the office and give him the counts. (This step was to stop her accessing her computer as soon as she enters her office and thus change her expected behaviour pattern.) The reason being: when you Change your Routine Habitual Actions, you will get Different Results and not the expected ones.

She did so. After she gave him the counts, she checked up her mail box.

Surprisingly she had received a mail from the supplier. He had mentioned in the mail that it looks like that the order is not as per standing instructions given to them. Therefore he wanted to confirm whether he can execute the order or not.

By changing her action pattern (called as Breaking the Pattern in NLP), Gita could save her job as well as stopping her company from incurring loss and get a bad reputation with their client.

NLP for accepting a bad relationship


Brain is the hardware of the mind. The brain always stores memories of the people we like, in one compartment, and the people we do not like in another compartment.

At the same time, we come across people who are neutral to us, to whom we have no likes or dislikes. They do not have a participation in our life. They will be kept in a different compartment of the brain.

Remove the dislike for the person

  • Visualize a white screen in front of you.
  • Close your eyes. Use your hands and do it.
  • Where is the person whom you like? They will be in one place.
  • Find out where the person you dislike are stored inside your brain. You will get a feeling in some part of your brain.
  • Find out where neutral compartment people are.
  • Move the person you dislike to neutral place.

Repeat the exercise over a few days or weeks until you can release the dislike for the person disliked.

Do the releasing first

Do not do this without doing the releasing technique first as you should know how much your feelings and desires are responsible for disharmony caused.

Automatically, the other person you hate will go from you. Even if he is present, you will not be afraid that he can control you. He will not be in your life to control you anymore.

Therefore, you can concentrate on something else.The NLP exercise will reduce our dislikes, but we have to release first. Do this on a daily basis.

We should remove our arrogance, feelings and our demanding nature. If you don’t expect positive feelings of release, then do the NLP technique

Why did I select the third compartment?

One can accept the person totally after doing releasing techniques. There is no doubt about that.

Though, if we see that person again, we won’t know what to do. If we put them in a neutral compartment, then we will accept them easily. Therefore, you should not give up on ‘RULE your MIND’ techniques.

Neutral compartment will help us in accepting a person.

Do you know why you react negatively?


Even though you are successful in your career…!!!

By nature, you are pure – positive, fearless, loving etc.

In that sense, all of us are united at a level – called as Sub-conscious Mind or Universal Mind, where we have access to this positive energy.

At this level we are perfect, can do anything we want and be anything we would like to be.

However, we bring in the energy of negativity from outside. Thus, fear, anger, hatred etc., comes from outside and not inside us.

Then, how to get rid of the part that you don’t want?


“I RELEASE the part that produces anger”.

“I am OPEN and ALIGN WITH the part that produces love, and forgiveness”.

Burdensome Work

Rule: Release Your Emotions Gain Energy

Satya’s servant was absent for a week.

Her younger sister Viji asked Satya to look after the household work and said, “You are making less money than me. So I think you should take care of the house today”.

As one would expect, Satya was very upset. However, she couldn’t say ‘No’ to her sister.

She decided to try the 1% release technique (see below).

She released her feelings and emotions one percent at a time. She did this until she has almost released every thought and emotion she was feeling then.

Surprisingly after a hard day’s work she felt more energetic than usual!

Reason Behind The Effectiveness of Rule Release 1% of Emotion

Let us say you are unemployed.

I will explain this in the form of a mathematical equation.

X = Y + 10, where ‘X’ is the unemployment state, and ‘Y’ is your present state of mind.

You do not have a direct influence over X.

But you can change Y into Y-1 or Y-2, which will in turn change X.

I mean, if you change your state of mind(Y), your unemployment status ‘X’ cannot remain the same.

Because Y has changed, X has to change too. So you have to become employed (soon).

Change Your Thoughts/Emotions, Change Your Life Situations!

Satya’s Steps to Execute RULE

What is my current feeling?

I feel terribly irritated.

Can I release the feeling of irritation?


Can I release just 1%?


I release 1% of the irritation.

Can I release some more?


I release 10%.of the irritation.

Like this she did. After some time, she was totally free from irritation.

Why we have to release 1%?

Then there won’t be a protest from the mind as you are releasing only one percent. Therefore, the mind keeps quiet and feels comfortable about the situation.

Though, this action releases the control of your thoughts and emotions over you.

Does a person control you?


He is controlling me. If you think A is trying to control you, then it means you have fear of being controlled.

  • Release the fear of being controlled

Can you release the fear to be controlled?

Why A is controlling you? It is because you have the fear of being controlled.

  • Before releasing the fear welcome it and then accept it.

Whenever he controls you, are you resisting him?

  • Accept your resistance to him and release it.

Do you like to change him?

  • If yes, can you release the desire to change him?

What do you dislike in him?

  • Can you let go this dislike?

You may ask a different question.

What is that you disapprove, or reject/dislike in him?

Can you accept him as he is? If you get “No” then continue the exercise. You will not get an immediate yes, as you have dislikes for him.

Does this person cause fear in you? What will happen if you are standing in front of him? Is there is any feeling of insecurity?

  • Release your feelings of insecurity.
  • Release your feelings of him.

What do you think will happen if you are in front of him? Do you want this fear to happen? If no, then release it.

  • Can you release this wanting to happen?
  • Release your fear.

How do you protect yourself? Do you show your anger? Do you resist him? Alternatively, do you have the desire to separate from him or go away from him?

  • Release all those desires.

Can you now accept the person as he is? If you get ‘No”, then continue the exercise. Can you have trust in him?Does anyone think that he or she cannot accept him as he is?

Please understand, if you cannot accept him, then he will continue to be in these types of situations. If you do not want to quarrel or lose harmony, you can nullify the charge of emotions by accepting him as he is.

Do this!Problems will be solved automatically!!


Desire for approval in action

You can list the ways you seek desire for approval:

  • Thank you for your appreciation
  • I don’t want to hurt his feelings
  • I should not reject him
  • If I do this, he will be happy
  • If I do this, he will not get angry

In addition, list the ways by which you allow yourself to be controlled by others or control others – Desire for approval.

You can term it as fear of rejection or disapproval, for example to influence others through Batch Flower Remedies (list this item too).

We have so much desire to control others and events. We use Bach Flower remedies either with a desire to change ourselves or others.

70% of the time we are operating with this desire and may be more, but not less. If we release this desire, most of the problems will be solved by itself!!

My unfriendly neighbour

Rule: Releasing Option is the Only Option

Shantha had a very unfriendly neighbour in Gita.

She never felt comfortable to approach Gita for any obligation as she is a very fussy person and gets easily irritated.

She Had a Visitor

One day she had a late night visitor. The guest didn’t give Shantha any notice, a norm in this part of the world.

Therefore, Shantha wasn’t ready to handle the situation. Of course, that doesn’t mean she can treat the guest shabbily.

Shantha wanted some stuff to make sure the dinner is special and a good treat for her guest. Unfortunately the shops were closed as it was late night.

Will My Friendly Neighbour Help?

She was sure that Gita could help. But will Gita oblige Shantha at this late hour, when she is so fussy during normal times.

So she had two options: one is to approach Gita and another is to apply the RULE on her emotions and thoughts about Gita. The later option seemed to be easier for Shantha.

She did the RULE for few minutes.

Then There Was One More Visitor

How much?

About 30 %. Shall I release 10% now. Ok. I release 10%. When she found a little comfortable, she found a thought is still nagging her.

While she was doing the RULE guess what, she had another visitor. It was none other than Gita. Having seen the guest in Shantha’s house she was curious to find out whether she could be of any help to Shantha!!!

How Shantha Executed the RULE: Releasing Act

She had a conversation within herself.

Can I release the fear about Gita? Yes. I just release this fear now.

But there is some more fear. How much can I release – around 30%? No, may be 10%. Yes. I can release 10% of the remaining fear.

Can I release 10% more?

(Like wise, she could release 30% of her fears. Even then she was feeling uncomfortable.)

Release Predominant Thoughts About Situation

She watched her mind. Only one thought repeatedly was going on inside her mind, “Will Gita shout at me if I approach her for help?”.

Ok shall I release that thought part by part? “Yes I can”.

Will I first release the word “shout” from the thought? Yes, I can. I release the word “shout”.

Shall I release “will she “, yes I can. Therefore I release, “will she”.

What are the remaining words?

This question will put off the mind and the whole thought will vanish.

If we do this way, thought becomes meaningless and it will be released automatically.

Peace Dawns

After the words are released individually like this, she became immediately peaceful.

As soon as that happens, then enters our heroine Gita. Is there is a coincidence. Try it out, you will know.

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