Work 101

Remove pain of being in a jobless situation


I lost my job in July 2016. Since then I have been looking for a job but in vain.

I worked in the night shift for the last 13 years due to which I lost my health.

I have been taking care of my parents since I was 16 yrs. Now without a job it is getting extremely difficult because my savings are depleting and before that I need to find a job.

I am looking for a job in Hyderabad in a reputed corporate for my profile in a day shift/UK shift with a 40% hike in my current package so that I can take care of my parents.

Both my parents are 80 yrs plus and my father is mostly highly dependent on me and caretakers, whom I have to pay a huge sum of money monthly, to take care of them.

I am currently going through the 2nd part (in the 7 1/2 years) of Sade Satti Shani Dasa.

Kindly suggest what I need to chant in order to get a job of my desire at the earliest. I’d be grateful to get your help at the earliest. Thank you.



Chant “HARI OM” as many times as possible in the day and night.


Standard switch combination to get a job: “CRYSTAL GORSE WOLF HELP COUNT DIVINE JOB NOW DONE”

Pain-removing mantra: HARI OM (applicable only for serious pain-giving situations), The mantra is available in the form of “PAIN MANAGEMENT” CD.

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Find the Right Job


I lost my job few months back. Till now I am not able to find a right job for me.

Kindly tell me some switch word so that I could get the job of my field with good salary.




Having a Work-Life Balance is Easy

Naran S Balakumar


Some persons they work like mad – for long hours. So they won’t find time to spend at home. The Vallabham mantra will give you work-life balance.

It takes care of your lower back and works wonders to heal your lower back pain.

A good project management tonic

Case History

Sundar was asked to take over an IT project, as the current manager had to go on leave to attend to an urgent personal work.

He wasn’t aware of the technology involved. Moreover he wasn’t given extra time to understand and manage the project. The original timeline was kept as it is.

Sundar was concerned about the success of the project. He spoke to Shobana who advised him to take the Bach Flower remedies Walnut, Oak and Hornbeam.

He took the remedies.

Within a few days, he found unexpected help within the company. A new recruit, who was yet to be assigned a new project, volunteered to help Sundar.

Sundar was able to complete the project as scheduled, to the utmost satisfaction of everybody concerned.

WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM is a good project management tonic. The project could be your work at office, marriage, or any type of domestic affairs.

Job Scare Part II

Narayanan from Hyderabad came and met me today.


Thanks to your statement, “The God has given the job to you, to take care of your material comfort. The company is a channel created by God. He is your employer.  When you accept this fact, you will never lose your job.” has changed my attitude.

I have become so confident. Have no more fears about my job.  Therefore, I guess I am still in the job.

My place is so secure now. I use the same technique in handling some other problems in my life too.

A person got the loan and his sister had to send the security document from US. He is a known customer.

Previously on two occasions he kept his word. However, this time unfortunately he could not send the required document even after a delay of more than 20 days.

The pressure from my superiors was so annoying.  I just told them, “Be quite. I know how to get the required document. Please allow me to work in a relaxed mood.”

Then I left the whole affair to God and stopped phoning up the customer.

The next day, we received the document. The courier had misplaced it somewhere. They tracked it and delivered it to us.

The wisdom I gained out of this situation is, “When we give up trying, God will help us.”

This is my practical experience. Thanks to you for changing my whole life.

Job Scare

Narayan from Hyderabad came to meet Naran S Balakumar. He is 27 and working in the BPO industry. The reason behind his visit was that he is scared of losing his job. As per the recommendation of his friend Raju, he consulted Balakumar.

Naran S. Balakumar to Narayan

The God has given the job to you, to take care of your material comfort. The company is a channel created by God. He is your employer.

When you accept this fact, you will never lose your job.

Even if you lose it, then it is a message from God that a new job is waiting for you out there somewhere. Do not be afraid, as everything will work out for your good. It is Divine’s Will.

When you accept this fact whole-heartedly, you will never be sitting idle at home, even for a single day.

Let us say there is a gap between two jobs then the message from god is, “Take rest, and learn something that will be useful for your next job!”


(MIMULUS for fear of losing job, GENTIAN to avoid any regression and WALNUT to feel secured for the next few days)

Everything will happen for good.

Narayan said good-bye to Naran with a relieved face.

Getting co-operation from others


Even though my husband is working hard he is not getting appreciation. He doesn’t have job satisfaction.

Because of office politics he is suffering a lot. His colleagues and manager are trying to spoil his name.


Write the names of flowers “HOLLY, WILLOW, BEECH, WALNUT” in a piece of paper and keep it in his pocket.

Keep a HORSE picture also in his pocket.

V. Rajalakshmi

What should be done to gain respect and affection and cooperation from colleagues at work place?


Keep a HORSE picture.

Call HORSE and ask “please be in my energy field so that I get cooperation from my colleagues”.

Daily chant “WATER VIOLET” while going to the office.

Write “WATER VIOLET” in a piece of paper and keep it with you

I am scared


A client of mine couldn’t understand that I can’t finish the assignment in the time originally decided. He was not willing to accept my justification.

As per Naran Balakumar’s suggestion, when I took the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus, the client agreed for the extension in time line.


The Bach Flower MIMULUS makes you to understand the others person’s anger and sympathize with him.

I Am Scared


A client of mine couldn’t understand that I can’t finish the assignment in the time originally decided. He was not willing to accept my justification.

As per Naran Balakumar’s suggestion, when I took the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus, the client agreed for the extension in time line.


The Bach Flower MIMULUS makes you to understand the others person’s anger and sympathize with him.

Others will understand you better


If you tend to be critical with your associates, take BEECH and WALNUT.  It will help you to communicate with them wonderfully.

They will understand where you are coming from.

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