Detoxify Your Body
What is detoxification?
First let us find out how toxins are formed inside.
We are collecting toxins from the environment. What toxins are collected from environment?
We collect toxins from air environment, and pollution.
We are so many people sitting here and each of us is collecting something at any point of time. We are all collecting unwanted things. However, we are not able to collect what we want!!!
These are all toxins. Whenever 40 – 50 people meet, you will be inhaling toxins.
All the medicines we take are toxins. The food we take is a toxin because even after digestion so many toxins are produced.
The body is a chemical factory and whatever we take, has to be converted to glucose. Protein will be used for body building and glucose is the energy.
What is blood circulation?
The blood circulates in each and every organ and each and every cell takes in oxygen and glucose.
The case with diabetics
Diabetes affected persons will be using vigorously the resources of Pancreas. But liver is very important too.
Allopathy never takes care of the liver. They totally ignore it.
Liver increases the glucose when carbohydrates are increased in the system. If glucose is in excess, it converts it into glycogen. This conversion cycle of glucose into glycogen has to be done by Pancreas.
People who have sugar problem cannot get over their problem if they are not addressing their liver. Therefore, liver is important enough to be taken care of.
After digestion what happens?
Why is the liver so important?
75% of the blood circulation inside the liver is venous blood, and carbon dioxide blood, which has only toxins.
After digestion all the toxins and waste materials will come to liver only. The liver bifurcate the toxins and directs them to kidneys, skin, lungs, and large intestine.
The liver does not function well after taking chemical food, hotel food, and junk food. It starts sagging. Its capacity is reduced.
What happens if the capacity of liver is reduced?
The toxins are bad company and we should not mingle with them. None of us will allow our children to be in the bad company, right?
We also will not allow a person, who is not good, to come near us.
What will these toxins do?
It circulates in the blood and mixes with the cells and changes the mind of the cell. What is that?
It tells the cells, “If you receive any command, do not listen to them”. Toxins are a bad company and it acts like that only.
How tumor is formed?
What process goes on in the body?
Every second old cells die and it is replaced by new cells. To enable the process to continue, when the time comes the old cells will receive the command, “You have to die”.
The moment certain cells die, four cells come, to dispose of the dead cells. Like when we die four people carry our dead body.
The same thing happens inside us. The moment the cell dies then four cells travel to that place, carry the dead cell, and it is excreted through the body.
The old cells, at the time of death, are supposed to receive the command “Die” and they have to die.
When there are too much of toxins in the blood, some cells ignore the command or they will act as if they have not received the command.
Those old cells, which are ignoring the command, will not die. If those old cells do not die, they will multiply and form into a tumor.
How to let the old cells die?
Now what is the reason for the tumor?
The old cells do not receive the command, to perform this process and they will have to be helped.
If this process has to go on continuously, (switch word) TOGETHER is the mantra.
And we will not know inside our body, whether the old cells have died or not. So how to take these cells which do not die and what is the switch word for this?
We have to give the command “Die” to the old undead cells, if there is any. These are the ones which form into benign tumor or cancer.
For cancer, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE CANCEL OLD Undead Cells FIND New Cells”.
This has to be chanted daily many number times. By this you are giving the command to your own body.
CANCEL means to delete, to destroy, and to put an end. CANCEL is a very important word for destroying the tumor and cancer cells.