
My weight came down


I have been listening to the WEIGHT LOSS CD for past one week or so regularly. I want to share my experience so far and how I have used it.

I listened to the CD while working for 2 hours, felt lot of things happening in body like – small cramps, and some sort of movement within the body.

After the session, I had to go to bathroom at least few times, had loose motions, water and gas. I felt really light after it.

I thought first it might be one time, but whenever I listened to the CD, I felt my body expelled wastage that must have been pent up. Over the days, the frequency came down and so did my weight.

Not just physically, I feel changes in my way of living as well. I feel more inclined towards exercise and feel less lethargic towards doing it. I restarted my walking and yoga as well.

I did tapping as well whenever I could while listening to the CD. It also felt good.

Thank you Naran for a wonderful CD!!!