
Reflect the energy of love and sympathy


How to figure out whether a person requires the flower remedy Mimulus? You mentioned that for all specific fears, one has to take Mimulus. Please gives us some examples?


A specific fear means that a person is afraid of something, somebody, or some situation.

I will give you some typical Doctor Vs Patient related examples here:

Mimulus helps people with specific fears like fear of a person, fear of crossing the road, fear of riding, fear of doctors, fear of crowds, and fear of animals – about dog, cockroach, lizard etc. Typical fears would be:

When I talk about Mimulus it reminds me a poem of Rabindranath Tagore: Even well before you take birth in this world, the God has provided Milk in the breasts of the Mother. Why fear?

When you have Mimulus in the pocket or when you chant Mimulus, your auric will be filled, and you will project as well as reflect the energy of love, compassion and sympathy.

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